Build Status

how to compile

cd <catkin_ws>
wstool init src
wstool set -t src jsk_mbzirc --git
wstool merge -t src
wstool update -t src
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
catkin build

how to run program

  • run mbzirc_arena wolrd in gazebo:
$ roslaunch jsk_mbzirc_common mbzirc_arena_1.launch
  • run simulation of task1 with uav in task1 stage
$ roslaunch jsk_mbzirc_tasks jsk_mbzirc_task_1.launch
  • run simulation of husky + ur5 in task2 stage
$ roslaunch jsk_mbzirc_tasks jsk_mbzirc_task_2.launch
$ rostopic pub -r 10 r_gripper_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.2" # to move gripper

Operation notes


  • Keyboard teleoperation PL for going up and down H for Hover stable WASD for horizontal direction move QE for Yaw Hold shift and press above button will accerate the speed of the drone

  • Task1 cheat A simple demonstration of landing on the truck. the cheat program will move the drone if the sim time is less than 2 seconds, first launch the jsk_mbzirc_tasks and then launch the jsk_mbzirc_common

$ roslaunch jsk_mbzirc_tasks jsk_mbzirc_task_1.launch cheat:=true
$ roslaunch jsk_mbzirc_common mbzirc_arena_1.launch


  • Keyboard teleoperation Using the same keyboard layout for horizontal and yaw control, also enabled Shift key. OC for open and close the gripper.