
Simple ROS node that publishes data detected by the Leap Motion

Primary LanguagePython


Simple ROS node that publishes data detected by the Leap Motion.

For the implementation the ROS node from Florian Lier which is available at https://github.com/warp1337/rosleapmotion was adapted.

Changes made

  • Everything expect of the sender.py and the leap_interface.py removed.
  • Changed publisher in sender.py from publishing self-defined messages to publishing messages of pre-defined message types.
  • In the leap_interface.py code for accessing the Leap Motion gestures and the fingers was removed. Furthermore, the way how the hand angles are obtained was changed according to the Leap Motion website. Code to retrieve the hand's grab strength was also added.


The only node sender.py publishes sensor data otained with the Leap Motion to the following topics:

  • /leapmotion/direction for hand direction
  • /leapmotion/normal for the palm normal
  • /leapmotion/pose pose of the hand
  • /leapmotion/grab grab strength of the hand


The Leap Motion SDK need to be downloaded and either added to the PYTHONPATH or hardcoded set in the leap_interface.py file. Additionally, also the leapd service must run while using the ROS node.