
This is chatbot that lets you implement custom python skills in a simple way. It features intent recognition and entity detection using a simple implementation interface.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sir-Bot-A-Lot - A highly customizable chatbot for desktop work

This is chatbot that lets you implement custom python skills in a simple way.

It features:

  • Simple: It is easy to use and customize. The complex features are locked away and hidden behind a simple interfaces.
  • Customizable: You can create your own skills and add them to the bot by implementing an abstract class.
  • Intent detection: When implementing your own skills, you can set up samples that the bot can be trained upon.
  • Trainable: You can train the bot on your own skills and samples by using tensorflow and keras.
  • Entity detection: Entity detection is implemented using spacy to add parameters to your skill.
  • Async voice output: The bot speaks the voice output asynchronously to the user by using pyttsx3. (Area for improvement ;-) )

Installation and examples

This repository uses poetry to manage dependencies. So start by installing poetry and then run poetry install. When finished, you can run make train to build the tensorflow model for the bot and make run to start the bot.

$ poetry run python3 app.py
DBG> What is the current time?
The time is 10:45 o'clock.
DBG> Tell me a joke!
What's the difference between England and a tea bag? The tea bag stays in the cup longer.
DBG> Bye!
Shutting down...

Training new skills for the bot

You can safely run make train to train the bot on all skills in the skill directory. The old tensorflow model is overwritten.

List of skills

General skills

  • mytime: Returns the current time.
  • mydate: Returns the current date.
  • mydatetime: Returns the current date and time.
  • joke: Returns a random joke using the jokes API.
  • greeting: Returns a random greeting.
  • clear: Clears the terminal.
  • myquit: Exits the bot.
  • myhelp: Returns a list of available skills.
  • browsersearch: Opens a browser tab with the search results from google.


At the moment I chose the license to be GPLv3. This is because this is a free software project and I want to share it with others. If you want to use this project in a commercial way, please contact me and I will try to find a way to make it commercial.

License: GPL v3



  • Show entity detection on a non classified example
  • More skills, e.g.:
    • Work time tracking
    • Open mail.
    • Write new mail.
    • Open browser with search for entity
    • ...
  • Is it possible to implement dialogs using this system?
  • Stupid tensorflow warnings should be left out of the output
  • Voice Input - simple.
  • Voice Activation - need to do some research.
  • Help skill intent name is only hel. Why is that and how can it be fixed?
  • Voice output is very slow, very very slow. How can that be fixed?
  • Voice output with different intonations (there are at least 30 on my system), configurable?
  • Load skills at runtime, so if you change something in the skill, you do not have to restart the bot.