
fdrtool error during diffnet

Closed this issue · 1 comments


First of all, great package!
During analysis I have run into a problem with diffnet and specifically with fdrtool. Here is the code:

moss_16s_diffnet <- diffnet(moss_16s_comp, diffMethod = "permute", nPerm = 20, fileLoadAssoPerm = "moss_16s_assoPerm", storeCountsPerm = FALSE )

and the error:

Checking input arguments ... Done. Execute permutation tests ... |==========================================================================================| 100% Adjust for multiple testing using 'lfdr' ... Execute fdrtool() ... Error in if (max(x) > 1 | min(x) < 0) stop("input p-values must all be in the range 0 to 1!") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I am aware that my dataset is very suboptimal (2 groups, 3 repeats each) and also for permutation I had extremely suboptimal setting (I couldn't increase nPerm as the software was complaining):

moss_16s_groups <- netCompare(moss_16s_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 20, storeAssoPerm = TRUE, fileStoreAssoPerm = "moss_16s_assoPerm", storeCountsPerm = FALSE, seed = 19860729 )

netCompare summary:

`Comparison of Network Properties

netCompare(x = moss_16s_props, permTest = TRUE, nPerm = 20, seed = 19860729,
storeAssoPerm = TRUE, fileStoreAssoPerm = "moss_16s_assoPerm",
storeCountsPerm = FALSE)

Global network properties

Whole network:
                              M     M+H    abs.diff.     p-value    
Number of components      1.000   1.000        0.000         1.0    
Clustering coefficient    0.934   0.862        0.073         0.5    
Modularity                0.030   0.010        0.020         0.1 .  
Positive edge percentage 61.448  52.603        8.844         0.1 .  
Edge density              0.871   0.838        0.033         0.6    
Natural connectivity      0.595   0.371        0.224         0.1 .  
Vertex connectivity      53.000 100.000       47.000         0.4    
Edge connectivity        58.000 101.000       43.000         0.5    
Average dissimilarity*    0.454   0.597        0.143         0.1 .  
Average path length**     0.498   0.620        0.122         0.1 .  
p-values: one-tailed test with null hypothesis diff=0
 *: Dissimilarity = 1 - edge weight
**: Path length = Sum of dissimilarities along the path

Jaccard index (similarity betw. sets of most central nodes)
                Jacc   P(<=Jacc)     P(>=Jacc)   

degree 0.000 0.000000 *** 1.000000
betweenness centr. 0.197 0.013914 * 0.993798
closeness centr. 0.049 0.000014 *** 0.999999
eigenvec. centr. 0.262 0.048043 * 0.968449
hub taxa 0.000 0.000059 *** 1.000000

Jaccard index in [0,1] (1 indicates perfect agreement)

Adjusted Rand index (similarity betw. clusterings)

        wholeNet       LCC
ARI        0.013     0.013
p-value    0.079     0.089
ARI in [-1,1] with ARI=1: perfect agreement betw. clusterings
                   ARI=0: expected for two random clusterings
p-value: permutation test (n=1000) with null hypothesis ARI=0

Graphlet Correlation Distance
        wholeNet         LCC  
GCD        2.714       2.714  
p-value    0.700       0.700  
GCD >= 0 (GCD=0 indicates perfect agreement between GCMs)
p-value: permutation test with null hypothesis GCD=0

Centrality measures
- In decreasing order
- Computed for the whole network
Degree (unnormalized):
       M M+H abs.diff. adj.p-value  
10056 58 149        91    0.350989  
10132 59 149        90    0.350989  
10109 59 148        89    0.350989  
10080 58 146        88    0.350989  
10071 61 147        86    0.616022  

Betweenness centrality (unnormalized):
         M M+H abs.diff. adj.p-value  
10100 3081   2      3079    0.785714  
10055  853  11       842    0.785714  
10003  175   0       175    0.785714  
10059  169   0       169    0.785714  
10012   10 178       168    0.785714  

Closeness centrality (unnormalized):
                 M          M+H abs.diff. adj.p-value  
10058 1.342184e+08 1.046614e+03 134217320    0.888462  
10133 5.280217e+03 1.342219e+08 134216623    0.888462  
10158 5.280217e+03 1.342219e+08 134216623    0.888462  
10033 1.342184e+08 1.134760e+04 134207019    0.888462  
10074 9.490665e+07 5.395190e+02  94906111    0.888462  

Significance codes: ***: 0.001, **: 0.01, *: 0.05, .: 0.1`

When I ran it on the filtrated dataset  it went through without an error but there was no significant difference between groups, so I tried on full data set and error appeared.
 I have tried to run it on the tutorial dataset, playing with different nPerm but even at nPerm = 3000 it did not result in any significant differences, so I still do not know if this is because my data or some issue with the diffnet?

Any help would be appreciated :)

Unfortunately, a permutation test with 20 permutations does not make any sense. And with 6 samples in two groups, the possible number of unique permutations is 20. That's why the function is complaining when you try to increase the number of permutations ;)
The absolute minimum number of permutations to get an - at least to some extend - reliable p-value is 500.
Even with 1000 permutations it is difficult to see significant results after adjusting for multiple testing.
You should consider the following: With 20 permutations, the minimum possible p-value is 1/20, which will never be significant after adjusting for multiple testing.
So, I would recommend not doing permutation tests and reporting the results only with the group differences.
You should also consider that the correlations itself cannot be reliably estimated with such a low sample size.