
Free Pop Read

Primary LanguageC#


  • /PopReadPixels.Windows/ contains a visual studio (community 2015) solution which [with soylib] will build a 32 or 64 bit DLL
  • /PopReadPixels.Android/ contains the minimum makefiles and a build script (for OSX) to build and android .so (shared object library). Currently configured for ARM (armeabi-v7a), but this could be easily changed to build X86 and whatever else NDK supplies compilers for.
  • /PopReadPixels.xcodeproj/ contains an XCode project to build OSX and IOS libraries. A .a staticcly linked library on ios (IOS doesnt allow dynamic linking) and a .bundle for OSX (which essentially contains a dylib/shared library binary). It also can build android like a normal target/scheme.
  • SoyLib (under the Source/ directory) is @soylentgraham 's open source C++14 library which does a lot, but most importantly in this case handles a lot of unity quirks and implements opengl, directx, metal, etc handling for textures (as well as other things)
  • /Source/ is all the c++ code for the libraries.
  • /Unity/PopReadPixels/ contains a demo project as well as the c# PopReadPixels interface, and .meta files for all the platform library files which tell unity which platforms each file applies to. (contained in the PopReadPixels subdirectory, so only assets under here need to be exported to a package)
  • PopUnityCommon inside the Unity/Demo project is an open source collection of c# scripts to help unity. Used only for the demo

Building Platform Libraries


  • Checkout this repository and initialise soylib submodule


  • Open the /PopReadPixels.Windows/PopReadPixels.Windows.sln solution.
  • Ensure PopReadPixels is the startup project (visual studio can sometimes set this wrong)
  • Select the correct platform (x64 usually, but you may want a 32bit/win32 build)
  • Build solution
  • A successfull build will copy the x64/win32 DLL to the Unity/PopReadPixels/Assets/PopReadPixels/ appropriate directory
  • If unity is open and has used the DLL in the editor, the DLL will be locked and visual studio should report an error. Quitting/restarting unity should fix this. If the DLL hasn't been used (ie, not pressed play) the DLL should be okay to be overriden.