
Playground for conditional cloning techniques in JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Graph Clone

This module offers a traversal mechanic for circular data JSON structures that allows you to clone or skip cloning on nodes and also apply optional transforms to encountered nodes.

Example usage

See test.js for best illustrating example. Below is a dead simple version but the test is more exhaustive

var w = require('graph-clone')
var stringify = require('json-stringify-safe')
var obj = {
  foo: {
    name: 'boris',
    bar: null 
obj.foo.bar = obj

var copy = w(obj, () => true, (obj, key, val) => key === 'name' ? val + '!!!' : val)


// copy = {
//   foo: {
//      name: 'boris!!!',
//      bar: [ circular ]
//   }
// }