Welcome to the risk-aware-unmanned-ship-for-roc project!

Make sure to clone this repository in recursive mode:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/stiefen1/risk_aware_unmanned_ship_for_roc.git

Also, do you a favor and use conda to ease your installation.

Setup Seachart with Anaconda (See Seachart)

Install an edition of the Anaconda package manager, activate your base environment (conda activate) and navigate to this folder. To create and setup your environment, just run the following command and go grab a cup of coffee.

conda env create -f environment.yml

Once done, verify that the environment risk-aware-unmanned-ship-for-roc-env appears in the list when typing:

conda env list

And then activate it:

conda activate risk-aware-unmanned-ship-for-roc-env

To check that everything was correctly installed you can run two python files (one for each of the two main dependencies SeaCharts and ship_in_transit_simulator). Make sure that you have already bathymetry data in the /data folder, following instructions from SeaCharts package.

python -m tests.seacharts.display
python -m tests.ship_in_transit_simulator.ship_route_following