- 3
- 7
Doesn't build executable
#102 opened by nooneelseexcept - 3
Can't locate the Warcraft directory.
#100 opened by Darknesos - 6
Repeatedly prompted to select WC3 foldr
#72 opened by AdamBajger - 3
Terrain render
#92 opened by Retera - 2
Support TypeScript
#62 opened by Anachron - 1
Possible pathing type issue
#95 opened by BogdanW3 - 1
Modular separation of front and rear ends
#90 opened by w4454962 - 2
Painful build environment for Linux, doesn't work
#93 opened by knuxyl - 1
try to build master code, error "print" No such file or directory, using vs 2020 17.6.5
#94 opened by linsmod - 9
Build Error
#87 opened by lakluklak - 1
Build errors
#91 opened by DominikRicko - 3
Build Errors
#85 opened by thiccoder - 1
Map optimizing support
#43 opened by SurDno - 2
Add code support for editing object data
#38 opened by yxq1122 - 4
- 2
Wiki: update war3map.wtg documentation
#82 opened by Drake53 - 2
#37 opened by BananaAcid - 5
Support any version of Warcraft
#78 opened by w4454962 - 1
- 0
Rendering specific objects by id
#27 opened - 5
Unit.random should be a 3 byte vector (or a 24bit integer) when random_type == 0
#74 opened by flowtsohg - 7
Can't start editor
#65 opened by kalashnikovisme - 4
War3map.w3s sound structure
#61 opened by Drake53 - 3
HiveWE exit unexpectedly
#63 opened by QGB - 2
PlayerType might be incorrect.
#64 opened by Ralle - 1
[Wiki] Update war3map.w3i documentation for 1.31
#59 opened by Drake53 - 1
Implement cJass support
#47 opened by goshante - 1
Crash on export MPQ
#58 opened by Leandowich - 2
Add CMake support
#32 opened by tdauth - 6
- 6
- 1
Add 1.26a support for localized games.
#7 opened by SurDno - 3
startup file dialog cannot be canceled
#4 opened by FlorianWege - 3
startup crash no libEGL
#3 opened by FlorianWege