
Github Action to release a Poetry-based Python app as we regularly do on the St. Jude Cloud project.

MIT LicenseMIT

Release Python Action

This Github Action provides a consistent action for building and releasing Python command line tools on the St. Jude Cloud project. It may also be used generally, provided your package conforms the following set of prerequisites:

This action will always complete the following tasks, though we may change how it achieves them in future releases.

  • Automate releases to PyPI using conventional commits/semantic releases.
  • Automate release to Github using conventional commits/semantic releases.
    • Currently conventional-github-releaser is used to achieve this (we've) found this to be better than using python-semantic-release for this purpose).


The most basic implementation using this Github action can be achieved by creating a release.yml file within the .github/workflows directory with the following contents:

name: Release
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: stjudecloud/release-python-action@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          PYPI_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PYPI_TOKEN }}

You'll need to complete a few more steps to ensure things work correctly:

  • Add python-semantic-release to your dev dependencies (poetry add -D python-semantic-release).
  • Ensure the branch above matches your default branch. If your default branch is main, be sure to change it both in the Github Action and the pyproject.yml entry from tool.semantic_release!
  • Make sure you add a PYPI_TOKEN secret to your repository so that the package can be published successfully.
  • Ensure you have a complete pyproject.toml file. You'll need to set the appropriate settings for python-semantic-release, which you can find documented here. We recommend using the following code snippet as a starting place.
branch = "master"
build_command = "poetry build"
commit_author = "St. Jude Cloud <support@stjude.cloud>"
commit_message = ""
commit_subject = "chore: bumping version to v{version}"
upload_to_release = "false"
version_source = "commit"
version_variable = "pyproject.toml:version"


Please file an issue on this repository if you encounter any issues.