
gaze_at_pose heavy CPU usage

jayyoung opened this issue · 2 comments

I am not sure who is responsible for this package any more, but we notice that it's using anywhere between 60% and 90% CPU usage, but only 0.2% memory. Are there some efficiency improvements that can be made anywhere to curb this?

@OMARI1988 @PDuckworth are the ones using it.

I notice the main bit of the script is wrapped in a


So maybe this is to blame?

Actually, this line should prevent it from using too much cpu. Only if the transform fails it calls a continue that bypasses this sleep. Maybe just adding another r.sleep() before this line might solve this issue? But then it should also print a warning all the time.

Otherwise, I never noticed any high CPU usage or would have an idea why that happens.

Good call @cdondrup the logs have a lot of "msg: Failed transform: Quaternion malformed, magnitude: 0 should be 1.0"