
[QSRs] Deprecate and remove `include_missing_data`

Closed this issue · 4 comments

What is the story with include_missing_data. Is it working and is it still needed or does it add an additional layer of possibly unneeded complexity?

When include_missing_data=True it allows creation of empty states in the World_QSR_Trace.trace in order to maintain the "same" number of timestamps as in World_Trace.trace.

a) include_missing_data is a bad name; allow_empty_states is probably a better one.
b) don't see the point of it as such assumption is violated in a number of currently implemented QSRs, e.g. MOS, QTC*S

Might want to deprecate as such; as it makes things confusing. It is easier to see what states would have been empty by getting the remainder of the intersection of World_Trace.get_sorted_timestamps() and World_QSR_Trace.get_sorted_timestamps() for most of the QSRs.

I never knew what it was good for so I didn't implement it right I guess. I assumed it triggers some black magic in the abstract class ;)

I don't need anything like this.

Don't think anyone does. Will deprecate, actually remove. (realisedI was talking with myself in the first two posts, hmmm).

Those are the most fruitful discussions some times ;)