
[QSRs] Simultaneous computation of multiple QSRs does not allow for individual `dynamic_args`

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The new feature of computing multiple QSRs with one service call does not allow to pass individual parameters. E.g. quantisation_factor for qtcbs and mos are forced to use the same. These keys need to be uniquely renamed. In fact, all parameters belonging to a QSR should have a namespace. Easiest way to do this is to prefix with their short unique name.

Regarding the actual name space, so we both implement the same, should it be:

{"qtc": {"quantisation_factor": 0.01, ...}}

or just


I do like the first one better as it appears more pythonic to me and prevents me from prefixing 5 parameters for every qtc variant.

+1 on first also without doubt, more "effort" but more dynamic. String prefix less effort but less dynamic.

While altering all this, I think it would make sense to also change the names of the QSRs in the example client to the new short versions, i.e. qtcb to qtcbs. I can quickly do that while implementing the namespaces because then I can just take that string as the namespace as well.