stratika's Following
- AERO-Project-EU
- andrew-m-leonardRed Hat
- aronjprashar
- beehive-labUnited Kingdom
- Cart-Almighty
- elegant-h2020
- henrytsyuRevolut
- IgWodImagination Techologies
- jjfumeroThe University of Manchester
- kotselidisThe University of Manchester @beehive-lab
- mairooniThe University of Manchester
- maltanar@AMD Research Labs
- mcimadamore@oracle
- mikepapadimUniversity of Manchester
- nkyparissasThe University of Manchester
- orionpapadakisThe University of Manchester
- ProgrammingHMREs
- smarrUniversity of Kent
- TaisZThe University of Manchester
- umarcorUPV/EHU
- zakkakRed Hat