
Instruction and code to reconstruct a dataset for development and evaluation of forensic tools for detecting machine generated text in social media.

Primary LanguagePython

Instructions for Constructing Dataset of Social Media Machine Generated Text

This project contains instruction and code to reconstruct a dataset for development and evaluation of forensic tools for detecting machine generated text in social media.

  • We are not releasing full twitter data to comply with Twitter terms of service.
  • We are also not releasing generators and machine generated data for ethical reasons.

There are 3 main steps:

  1. Rehydrate source data from tweet ids
  2. Fine-tune natural language generation (NLG) models
  3. Generate machine generated text from NLG models and construct human, machine and mixed timelines of tweets

Rehydrate Source Data

We source data from 3 english language Twitter datasets on 3 different topics:

Convert each source file of tweet ids to a csv with a single id column:


To rehydrate tweet bodies from tweet_ids use rehydrate function in utils.py. Twitter. The output is saved as .jsonl; each row is a tweet. You'll need valid Twitter credentials. We keep 100k samples from each dataset.

Fine-tune NLG Models

The next step is to finetune several NLG models.

Preprocess data for training

We preprocess each dataset by:

  • Cleaning up tweet formatting
  • Droppping RT and @mentions for retweets
  • Dropping duplicates
  • Dropping boring tweets i.e. tweets with less than 5 non-trivial words (i.e. boring word begins with either http, # or @ ; borrowed from huggingtweets)

We split the clean data it into train and validation sets (95%/5%) to monitor model training for early stopping.

Refer to create_dataset function in utils.py


We fine-tune 4 different pre-trained NLG models for each dataset: gpt2, gpt2-medium, gpt2-large,EleutherAI-gpt-neo-1.3B . We use pre-trained models from huggingface transformers: https://huggingface.co/models

To fine-tune:

python train_deepspeed.py --help
usage: train_deepspeed.py [-h] [--lm_name LM_NAME] [--dataset DATASET] [--mode MODE] [--gpu GPU] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--model_batch_size MODEL_BATCH_SIZE]
                          [--num_samples NUM_SAMPLES] [--strategy STRATEGY] [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --lm_name LM_NAME     huggingface model name (default: EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B)
  --dataset DATASET     dataset name (default: avax)
  --mode MODE           mode = train,generate (default: train)
  --gpu GPU             gpus to use (default: 0)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        desired total batch size (default: 32)
  --model_batch_size MODEL_BATCH_SIZE
                        batch that fits on gpu (default: 2)
  --num_samples NUM_SAMPLES
                        number of samples to generate (default: 1000)
  --strategy STRATEGY   model parallelization strategy, use deepspeed_2 or 3 for large models to shard (default: None)
  --max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS
                        max epochs (default: 5)

We concatenate all tweet text with EOS_TOKEN and split it into chunks of max_lenght of 72 with overlap of 4 tokens. We use effective size of 32 and train for 5 epochs with learning rate of 5e-5 optimzing the causal language model objective i.e. next word prediciton. We keep the model with best loss on the validation set. For large models, you may need a large GPU or use model parallelism strategies like deepspeed_2 or 3

Generate and Construct Timelines

We construct two types of data. Pure timelines and mixed timelines. A timeline is a sequence of tweets.

Pure Timelines

In a pure timeline, all tweets are either machine generated or human generated. To generate a timeline of N tweets:

  • Machine generated: generate N tweets using an NLG NLG_NAME trained on DATASET:
    python train_deepspeed.py --mode generate --num_samples N --lm_name NLG_NAME --dataset DATASET
  • Human generated: sample N tweets from dataset. For COVID dataset, we have enough tweets per user, so we first sample user USER and then sample N tweets from USER's tweets.

Mixed Timelines

Mixed timelines contain a mix of human and machine generated tweets. To generate a timeline of lenght N with K machine generated tweets.

  • We first sample N-K human generated tweets from DATASET (conditioned on same user if that info is available)
  • Then concetanate them with a sample of K machine generated tweets from an NLG NLG_NAME trained on DATASET. Note human generated tweets are alwways before machine generated tweets.

For full dataset details see: dataset.md