- 21
- 2
[BUG]: Wrong stripe-js version in dist
#699 opened by gofurukawa - 11
[BUG]: Please check your internet connection
#696 opened by renanstuchi - 0
[BUG]: defaultValues and fields configuration ignored if Payment Element is initialised without Payment intent
#701 opened by tomswales - 1
[BUG]: paymentIntent.next_action is missing "verify_with_microdeposits"
#683 opened by davidAtInleague - 23
- 2
[BUG]: Link form validation skipped after logout
#695 opened by Den4ik - 1
[BUG]: Missing Revolut pay confirmation method
#694 opened by ArturasTv - 1
[BUG]: selectedPaymentMethod is missing from StripeElements.submit return type
#693 opened by raphael-yapla - 5
[BUG]: PaymentElement CVC missing placeholder
#690 opened by mPaella - 1
[BUG]: Unable to retrieve the origin of the event
#691 opened by st3phcodes - 2
[BUG]: StripeEmbeddedCheckout.destroy cannot safely be called multiple times and no way to check a destroyed property
#685 opened by davidbielik - 1
- 1
- 1
[BUG]: automatic_async does not exist in captureMethod of StripeElementsUpdateOptions
#677 opened by hir0o - 2
- 2
- 3
[BUG]: AddressElement Type
#670 opened by chris-orgorg - 3
[BUG]: retrieveCardNetworks not exist in StripeJS
#643 opened by WhySimply - 3
- 1
- 1
- 6
[BUG]: Stripe autofill invalid color
#668 opened by cedvdb - 3
- 2
[BUG]: The `.InputContainer .InputElement::-moz-placeholder` does not receive the color specified for the colorTextPlaceholder in the appearance.variables
#657 opened by veselints - 3
[BUG]: SetupIntent.NextAction type doesn't have verify_with_microdeposits object type
#630 opened by honteng - 2
- 4
- 2
- 2
- 2
[BUG]: 1px "hidden" iframes at the bottom of body
#644 opened by mPaella - 3
- 3
[BUG]: Missing {card: { network: string[]; }; } is not assignable to type DefaultValuesOption
#627 opened by Smoggert - 5
[BUG]: Stripe.js freezes iOS WKWebView on navigation after visiting external link
#614 opened by serebrov - 1
- 2
- 3
[BUG]: Custom styling fails for Payment Elements (Secure, 1-click checkout with Link)
#612 opened by Wulff-1996 - 1
- 3
Allow to setup API baseURL
#615 opened by Sembauke - 2
[BUG]: blocked by uBlock origin
#619 opened by that-guy-iain - 1
- 0
[BUG]: Option type missing paymentMethods in elements.create('expressCheckout', options)
#621 opened by ZachPerkins1 - 1
- 1
- 4
- 5
[BUG]: Payment element - Placeholder color setting not respected - it's getting overridden with the default
#607 opened by MikesGlitch - 6
Ability to know when the user has invoked the submit button (Embedded Checkout)
#604 opened by Benjamin-Willard - 1
- 1
- 5
[BUG]: Mismatch between Stripe docs for DefaultValuesOption and Type DefaultValuesOption
#600 opened by kdurgatp