- 9
Tap to pay not working on iOS 18
#830 opened by manashathparia - 1
- 0
New architecture support
#848 opened by fobos531 - 3
Device freezes after tapping the card
#846 opened by abdulmananqureshi - 2
Query: stripe-terminal-android/ios 4.0.0 builds for stripe-terminal-react-native
#843 opened by tzecheng - 1
- 14
Production Android Build Not Connect With Reader With Live_Stripe_KEY Using v0.0.1-beta.16 Version.
#711 opened by abhijitCN - 2
Remove the need to wrap up the whole app in the StripeTerminalProvider component
#838 opened by marcinnexudus - 2
Accessibility options screen language
#836 opened by Sarrahadjayache2 - 7
Issue connecting to reader
#789 opened by thelight413 - 3
Failed to generate key pair [Android 11]
#817 opened by Zc0412 - 5
iOS Production Build Field to Discover Reader & Connect Reader From India. Verify the app has the necessary entitlements and that the application bundle is valid.
#725 opened by abhijitCN - 1
How to disable Tap to Pay on iPhone terms and conditions pop-up for certain users on reader connect?
#709 opened by inzqne - 5
- 1
- 1
onFinishDiscoveringReaders not getting called
#798 opened by manashathparia - 1
Unable to Test Simulated Terminal SDK on Android Simulator - API level 33 - Getting Time out error
#793 opened by dharmeshgigs - 8
[bug] Contactless transaction failed com.stripe.core.aidIrpc.AidIRpcException: Failed to send request to AIDL server.
#809 opened by nabilfreeman - 0
test test
#826 opened by nazli-stripe - 0
#825 opened by nazli-stripe - 14
Reader not discovered in handoff mode on S700 Devkit
#788 opened by rlfrahm - 9
A failure occurred while executing
#739 opened by Kadir-flipcause - 6
[deadline] Google Play Store requires targetSdkVersion to be 34 or higher by August 31, 2024
#753 opened by nabilfreeman - 8
UnexpectedSdkError in IOS 18 Beta
#807 opened by arjunAbcd - 2
- 4
ERROR: You must provide paymentIntent that was returned from either createPaymentIntent or retrievePaymentIntent.
#786 opened by a-eid - 2
App Hang SCPLogForwardingController
#799 opened by jacywang - 6
App crashing when using discoverReaders method.
#751 opened by ankitharitus - 7
- 0
onDidDisconnect and onDidReportUnexpectedReaderDisconnect user callbacks not triggered
#796 opened by liliwei25 - 0
- 1
- 4
- 0
- 3
[Tap To Pay] UNEXPECTED_ERROR.UNEXPECTED_SDK_ERROR - KEY_ERROR (null): Error setting key entry during secure import
#773 opened by marcoripa96 - 1
react native stripe terminal not initialize in some pos-mashine like sunmi P2-SE or Urovo i9100
#756 opened by tahahaz1374 - 2
confirmPaymentIntent throwing random error in production but no server-side logs
#746 opened by inzqne - 2
Inconsistent requiredAt for availableUpdate
#718 opened by FabulouSebas - 10
- 1
- 1
- 4
- 1
Issue when switching keys (accounts) with clearCachedCredentials - NETWORK_ERROR.CONNECTION_TOKEN_PROVIDER_ERROR
#752 opened by marcoripa96 - 2
The PaymentMethod provided (card_present) is not allowed for this PaymentIntent
#745 opened by 123pappu - 3
- 0
- 4
- 2
Android or iOS Tap to Pay apps cannot detect Amex Titanium contactless cards (metal cards)
#720 opened by tzecheng - 3
Reset reader to original firmware
#719 opened by Satya5614 - 1