My collection of various fuzzing targets that have been widely used in the fuzzing literature (in both academia and industry). I have tried to fuzz most of the following programs using my corpus, and founded several bugs.
- jhead
- jpegoptim
- libjpeg-turbo
- astc-encoder
- imgdataopt
- exiv2
- lepton
- sam2p
- tinyrenderer
- tinyexr
- libheif
- libsixel
- netpbm
- ngiflib
- giflib
- gif2png
- mozjpeg
- jasper
- pngwriter
- ffmpeg
- gegl
- openexr
- libav
- flvmeta
- libming
- gpac
- WavPack
- sound
- wav2json
- libwav
- audiofile
- gpmf-parser
- faac
- openh264
- mpg123
- mpg321
- mp3gain