
Behavior Tree Framework

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Behaviour Tree

C# behaviour tree library with a code based API.

Whats Behaviour Trees is

How to use

Copy/paste files from BTLib folder

Add implementation of IBlackboard interface

For example:

        class CustomAiBlackboard : IBlackboard
            //some AI related state, for example corodinates of target
            public int TargetX;
            public int TargetY;
            public bool SeeTarget;

            public void Reset()
              //reset state here

            public void RunningActionChanged<T>(Node<T> runningNode, Path<T> path) where T : IBlackboard
              //called when current running node is changed

            public void Update(TimeSpan time)
              //update Ai state for example 
              //SeeTarget = CanSeeTarget();

Create Behaviour tree using BTBuilder

        Node<CustomAiBlackboard> _rootNode;
        private void Init()
            var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;
            _rootNode =
                        bt.Condition("Condtition", blackboard => blackboard.SeeTarget),
                            actionStart: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                                bool canMakeAction1 = true;
                                //check that we can start action(executed before once)
                                return canMakeAction1;
                            checkInProgress: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                                bool checkThatAction1CanBeContinued = true;
                                //check that action canbe continued(checked every update/tick)
                                return checkThatAction1CanBeContinued;
                            executionAction: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                                //do smth usefull here (executed on exeach update/tick while this action is in progress)
                                //for example apply control command
                            completeAction: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                                bool isCompleted = false;
                                //checked after isInProgress == false
                                //return true if action completed succeffully 
                                return isCompleted;
                            (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                                //simple action which executes only once
                                return true;
                    //end of sequence
                    //or else do nothing

To execute Behaviour tree, for every AI agent create and store Context and call Update on each update/tick of game loop.

      Context<CustomAiBlackboard> _btContext;
      private void Start()
        _btContext = new BT.Context<Ai.Bt.CustomAiBlackboard>(_rootNode, _blackboard);
      private void Update()
          Status statuc = _btContext.Update();

Node type

Action Node

Implement abstract class ActionNode

        /// <summary>
        /// Run on node start 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">Blackboard object</param>
        /// <returns>True if success and node moves to Status.Running state, False in case of Fail</returns>
        protected internal abstract bool Start(TBlackboard blackboard, NodeContext<TBlackboard> nodeContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if action is complete
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">Balckboard object</param>
        /// <returns>True if node is still in Status.Running state, False - node execution is complete</returns>
        protected internal abstract bool IsInProgress(TBlackboard blackboard, NodeContext<TBlackboard> nodeContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run every tick, while node this node in Running State
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">Blackboard object</param>        
        protected internal abstract void Tick(TBlackboard blackboard, NodeContext<TBlackboard> nodeContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run on node complete (immediately after Run method returs False )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blackboard">Blackboard object</param>
        /// <returns>True in case of Ok status, false in case of Fail</returns>
        protected internal virtual bool Complete(TBlackboard blackboard, NodeContext<TBlackboard> nodeContext)
            return true;

Example for action move:

Start - returns true if path to target exsists, otherwise false

IsInProgress - returns true, if agent position is not equal to target and user can move

Tick - save command to move to target (using blackboard)

Complete - returns true, if agent position is equal to target

For simple actions you can use an anonymous action which delegates all these function to lambda

    actionStart: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
        bool canMakeAction1 = true;
        //check that we can start action(executed before once)
        return canMakeAction1;
    checkInProgress: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
        bool checkThatAction1CanBeContinued = true;
        //check that action canbe continued(checked every update/tick)
        return checkThatAction1CanBeContinued;
    executionAction: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
        //do smth usefull here (executed on exeach update/tick while this action is in progress)
        //for example apply control command
    completeAction: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
        bool isCompleted = false;
        //checked after isInProgress == false
        //return true if action completed succeffully 
        return isCompleted;


Executes nodes in order. Fails if any of them fails, Succeeds only when all are succeed.

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;

bt.Sequence("Seq1", node1, node2, node3);


Try to executes nodes in order. Fails if all of them fails, Succeeds when atleast one succeeds.

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;

bt.Selector("Selector1", altNode1, altNode2, altNode3);


Check some condition

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;
bt.Condition("Check condition", blackboard=>true);


Decorator, which executes action node and cannot fail (returns Succeed or Running if action is in progress)

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;


Decorator, which executes all childs action node, fails or stopped if any of child action node fails or stopped

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;
bt.All("Parallel",actionNode1, actionNode2);


Decorator, which executes child actionNode only while condition return Status.Running

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;
bt.While("While check",
  initFunc: (blackboard, nodeContext)=>
      //executes once
  checkFunc: (blackboard, nodeContext)=>
    //executes on every update
    // return Status.Running to continue execution of child node
    // return Status.Running to stop with Succeed
    // return Status.Fail to stop with Fail
    return Status.Running


Decorator, which tries to execute child Node until it returns Status.Ok

var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;


Node context

Every node recieve blackboard and node context as arguments during updates.

Blackboard is used to get the state of world or agent.

Node context can be used to store node specific state.

For example, we can implement decorator method which will run child node for specific time only:

        private Node<CustomAiBlackboard> RepeateDuringSomeTime(float timeInSec, Node<CustomAiBlackboard> childNode)
            var bt = BT.BTBuilder<CustomAiBlackboard>.Instance;
            return bt.While("Repeat during 5 sec",
               initFunc: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                   var startTimeInSec = blackBoard.CurrentTimeInSec;
                   nodeContext.Data = startTimeInSec;
               checkFunc: (blackBoard, nodeContext) =>
                   var currentTimeInSec = blackBoard.CurrentTimeInSec;
                   var startTimeInSec = nodeContext.GetData<float>();
                   if (currentTimeInSec - currentTimeInSec < timeInSec)
                       return Status.Running;
                       return Status.Ok;
               node: childNode);

Behaviour tree update

For performance opimization reason you can restrict reevaluation tree on each update, using forceUpdate = false in method "Context.Update(TimeSpan time, bool forceUpdate)" In this case tree will try to execute last running node, and reevaluate tree only if last running node is succeed or fail.

In general for realtime game something like this can be used:

const float BT_FORCE_UPDATE_IN_SEC = 0.25f;//or any reasonably vallue
float _previousBtUpdateInSec = 0;
void UpdateBt(float gameTimeInSec)
    bool needForceUpdate = (gameTimeInSec - _previousBtUpdateInSec) > BT_FORCE_UPDATE_IN_SEC;
    if (needForceUpdate)
       _previousBtUpdateInSec = gameTimeInSec;
    _context.Update(gameTime, needForceUpdate);

In this case only once per 0.25 sec behaviour tree will be forced to be updated(instead of each update), but in same time ActionNode.Tick() will be executed during all updates.