compute IBD, base on GERMLINE version1.4.1, fix bug and add features

Primary LanguageC++



This version base on Germline 1.4.1 detail

New feature

Flag Default Description
-poi - person of interest, test between first individual with other
-hg - have gap, allow test with indivudual having missing snp(mark by 0 or '-')

fix bug

in file PEDIndividualsExtractor.cpp, an infinite loop due to while statement


	void PEDIndividualsExtractor::loadInput(Individuals& inds)
-			while (! stream.eof())
-			{
-				getIndividuals();
-				stream.seekg(numberOfMarkers*4 + 1,ios::cur);
-			}
+			while (! stream.eof() && getIndividuals())
+			{
+				// getIndividuals();
+				stream.seekg(numberOfMarkers*4 + 1,ios::cur);
+			}


-	void PEDIndividualsExtractor::getIndividuals()
-		if(!stream.good()) return;

+  	bool PEDIndividualsExtractor::getIndividuals()
+		if (famID=="") return false;
+		if(!stream.good()) return false;
+		return true;


-		    void getIndividuals();
+		    bool getIndividuals();

feature POI

define flag -poi


+	extern bool POI;

init and accept flag


+	bool POI = false;
+	else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-poi", strlen("-poi")) == 0 )	POI = true;

init person of interest

define and init the interest individual


+	#ifndef HAVEPOI
+	#define HAVEPOI
+	extern Individual * poi;
+	void definepoi();
+	#endif /* HAVEPOI */


+		Individual * poi;

save the poi


	void Individuals::addIndividual(Individual * ind)
+		if (POI && !poi)
+		{
+			poi = ind;
+			// cout << "the targer in " + ind->getID() << endl;
+		}

change the add Match condition


	void Share::assertMatches()
+		if (POI)
+		{
+			if ((*i) != poi && (*ii)  != poi) 
+				break;
+		}


in order to allow missing snp, each individual should save their missing infomastion, so beside the hash table in each match, we add a bit to save missing snp

define flag -hg


+	extern bool HG;

init and accept flag


+	bool POI = false;
+	else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-hg", strlen("-hg")) == 0 )	HG = true;

read missing snp postion

first define list to save missing postion, it will be named xmark in markset.h and the define some function to apply at xmark, after that, we can read missing snp in below


	void PEDIndividualsExtractor::getCompleteMarkerSet()
+		if (HG)
+			if (marker=='0' || marker=='-')	
+				markerSet[al].xset(position , true );
+			else if ( snps.mapNucleotideToBinary(marker,   \
				position_ms*MARKER_SET_SIZE+position) == 1 )
+				markerSet[al].set(position , true );

change the extension condition

after add xmark data struct, we can use it in dynamic programming step of match function. Because if use xmark in init hashing step will involve hash table multipmeaning problem, so we add xmarker function in extension step. Like to check hom mismatch and het mismatch, we check add xmarker mismatch

Match.cpp bool Match::approxEqual()

+	boost::dynamic_bitset<> xtmp;
+	xtmp.resize(MARKER_SET_SIZE);
+	xtmp.flip();
+		if (HG) xtmp = (node[0]->getChromosome( a )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits() | node[1]->getChromosome( b )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits()).flip();
-		if ( (int)( (node[0]->getChromosome( a )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits() ^ node[1]->getChromosome( b )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits())).count() <= MAX_ERR_HOM )
+		if ( (int)( (node[0]->getChromosome( a )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits() ^ node[1]->getChromosome( b )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits()) & xtmp ).count() <= MAX_ERR_HOM )
+		if (HG)
+		{
+			xtmp = node[0]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits() | node[0]->getChromosome( 1 )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits()
+				 | node[1]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits() | node[1]->getChromosome( 1 )->getMarkerSet()->xgetMarkerBits();
+				xtmp = xtmp.flip();
+		}
+		mask = mask & xtmp;
-		if ( ((node[0]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits() ^ node[1]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits())).count() <= MAX_ERR_HET )
+		if ( ((node[0]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits() ^ node[1]->getChromosome( 0 )->getMarkerSet()->getMarkerBits()) & mask).count() <= MAX_ERR_HET )

in Match::scanRight, Match::scanLeft and Match::diff function change the check HET process and will finish the HG function