The R script in this repository takes in matrices of variant depth and total depth across from multiple clonal samples of the same donor, filters out germline and artefactual variants, constructs the phylogenetic tree topology and maps somatic mutations to the tree branches using the TreeMut package.
For any queries, raise an issue on the GitHub page or email Tim Coorens ( or Mike Spencer Chapman (
The necessary R package dependencies will be installed upon running the script. It is required to provide a path to an installation of MPBoot to construct the phylogenetic tree topology. The path to MPBoot can be specified using the --mpboot_path
parameter. This script has been verified to run on R3.6.1 and higher.
At the bare minimum, the script needs a matrix of total depth (variant sites by samples) and a matrix of number of variant-supporting reads (variant sites by samples). These can either be provided separately (using the -r
and -v
input parameters) or as a single output .tsv file from cgpVAF, using the -c
Using the example input files provided here, the command to run the script would be
Rscript build_phylogeny.R -r PD45567_NR.tsv -v PD45567_NV.tsv
Rscript build_phylogeny.R -c PD45567.snp.tsv.gz
Besides the necessary input files, all parameters and options can be adjusted as necessary. The full list of options can be accessed using Rscript build_phylogeny.R -h
Usage: build_phylogeny.R [options]
-i DONOR_ID, --donor_id=DONOR_ID
Patient/donor ID to add to names of output files
-v INPUT_NV, --input_nv=INPUT_NV
Input NV matrix (rows are variants, columns are samples)
-r INPUT_NR, --input_nr=INPUT_NR
Input NR matrix (rows are variants, columns are samples)
CGPVaf output file, instead of NR/NV matrices - can be multiple files, i.e. indel and snv data for the same donor (comma-separated)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory for files
Only run beta-binomial filter on shared mutations. If FALSE, run on all mutations, before germline/depth filtering
-n NCORES, --ncores=NCORES
Number of cores to use for the beta-binomial step
Name of the dummy normal to exclude from cgpVAF output
Rho value threshold for SNVs
Rho value threshold for indels
Lower threshold for mean coverage across variant site
Upper threshold for mean coverage across variant site
If indel file is provided, only use SNVs to construct the tree (indels will still be mapped to branches)
If both indels and SNVs are provided, plot trees separately for each.
Keep an ancestral branch in the phylogeny for mutation mapping
Option to manually exclude certain samples from the analysis, separate with a comma
Samples with CNVs, exclude from germline/depth-based filtering, separate with a comma
VAF threshold (autosomal) below which a variant is absent
VAF threshold (autosomal) above which a variant is present
-m MIXMODEL, --mixmodel=MIXMODEL
Use a binomial mixture model to filter out non-clonal samples?
-t TREE_MUT_PVAL, --tree_mut_pval=TREE_MUT_PVAL
Pval threshold for treemut's mutation assignment
Use a binomial mixture model to filter out non-clonal samples?
Pval threshold for somatic presence if generating a probabilistic genotype matrix
Minimum variant reads used in generating a probabilistic genotype matrix
Minimum VAF used in generating a probabilistic genotype matrix
Convert dichotomous tree from MPBoot to polytomous tree
Path to MPBoot executable
Log10 of germline qval cutoff
Reference genome fasta for plotting mutational spectra
Plot mutational spectra?
Maximum number of SNVs to plot in mutational spectra
Minimum VAF threshold to filter out subclonal variants. Disabled by default.
Read number to apply exact binomial filter for samples with more than given number of reads. Disabled by default.
VAF threshold for the mixture modelling step to consider a sample clonal
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
This command reproduces the results presented in the accompanying paper. The output files can also be found in the 'output' folder. Note that in order to use the "plot_spectra" feature, a path to the reference genome needs to be provided (--genomeFile
). For the listed input, this is hg19/GRCh37.
Rscript build_phylogeny.R -c PD45567.snp.tsv.gz -i PD45567 --exclude_samples PD45637b,PD45567f -m T --plot_spectra T --max_muts_plot 100000
Rscript build_phylogeny.R -r PD45567_NR_mutect2.tsv.gz -v PD45567_NV_mutect2.tsv.gz -i PD45567 --exclude_samples PD45637b,PD45567f -m T --plot_spectra T --max_muts_plot 100000
Rscript build_phylogeny.R -r PD45567_NR_varscan2.tsv.gz -v PD45567_NV_varscan2.tsv.gz -i PD45567 --exclude_samples PD45637b,PD45567f --min_clonal_mut 20 -m T --plot_spectra T --max_muts_plot 100000