
Undergraduate Courses

Primary LanguageC


본 레포지토리는 학부과정의 주요 CS 과목들을 수강하며 수행한 프로젝트들의 모음입니다.

Coursework Professor Stack Grade
Data Structures 배성일 C, C++, Python A+
Computer Architecture 권건우 MIPS, Verilog B+
Operating Systems 김선일 C A+
Database 윤영 SQL, MariaDB, Java, JDBC, Spring Boot B+
Computer Network 박준철 - A+

Data Structures

Project Topic Stack Difficulty
Address Book - 1 Array C
Address Book - 2 Quick Sort C
Address Book - 3 Linked List C
Address Book - 4 Stack, Queue C
Address Book - 5 Binary Serach Tree C ★★★
Address Book - 6 Hashing C ★★
Catalan Number Binary Tree Python
Height of a BST and eifficiency of searching Binary Serach Tree C ★★★
Design of a good hash table Hashing C ★★★
Properties of the ladders graph Graph C ★★
The ladders game BFS C ★★★

Computer Architecture

Project Topic Stack Difficulty
Homework1 MIPS-Instructions MIPS ★★
Homework2 Verilog HDL Basics Verillog
Takehome exam Performance, Arithmetic, SingleCycle-MIPS MIPS ★★★
Homework3 Pipeline-MIPS MIPS ★★★

Operating Systems

Project Topic Stack Difficulty
CPU Scheduling Simulator Scheduling Algorithms C ★★★★
Virtual Memory Management Simulator Memory Management C ★★★★★
File System Simulator File Systems C ★★★★★


Project Topic Stack Difficulty
SQL Practice with Maria DB RDBMS SQL ★★
Programmatic Query with MariaDB Java Connector JDBC Java ★★★
Spring Boot and REST Interface JDBC Java ★★★★