- tcga-code-tables
- HPO - Human Phenotype Ontology 人类表型数据库
- NGS-Workflows
- gkno - A bioinformatics pipeline launcher
- Genenteck
- oncotree - 肿瘤分类
- Cancer today - 患病率查询
- GeneMANIA - GeneMANIA helps you predict the function of your favourite genes and gene set
- bioDBnet - 基因ID转换
- inkscape - 开源的矢量图软件
- Nextflow
- nextflow-demos - Demonstrations of various programming techniques for use inside Nextflow pipelines.
- awesome-nextflow
- Snakemake
- bpipe
- IMPACT-Pipeline
- maftools - Summarize, Analyze and Visualize MAF Files
- cfDNApipe - cfDNApipe(cell free DNA Pipeline) is an integrated pipeline for analyzing cell-free DNA WGBS/WGS data.
- gonomics - A collection of genomics software tools written in Go (golang).
- sequenza - estimate cancer cellularity, ploidy, genome wide copy number profile and infer for mutated alleles.
- ABSOLUTE - hbsun
- PureCN - opy number calling and SNV classification using targeted short read sequencing
- PURPLE - 纯度和倍性计算
- facets - MSKCC的计算纯度和倍性的方法
- MCPcounter - Estimating the population abundance of tissue-infiltrating immune and stromal cell populations using gene expression
- xCell - cell type enrichment analysis from gene expression data for 64 immune and stroma cell types
- GSVA - Gene set variation analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data
- CIBERSORT - an estimation of the abundances of member cell types in a mixed cell population, using gene expression data.
- TIDE - 用RNAseq数据计算免疫逃逸的能力
- TIMER - 免疫浸润计算
- IOBR - 集合多种计算免疫微环境的包
- ESTIMATE - is a tool for predicting tumor purity, and the presence of infiltrating stromal/immune cells in tumor tissues using gene expression data.
- transvarweb MD-anderson开发的注释工具
- Gencode
- Ensemble
- Uniprob
- Genecards
- Genome Reference Consortium
- HGNC - 人类基因组命名委员会
- cbioportal - visualization, analysis and download of large-scale cancer genomics data sets
- awesome-bio-datasets
- pharmgkb - 药物基因组
- DrugBank - 药物数据库
- DGV - 收录了健康人群中序列长度大于50bp的结构变异。
- ExAC
- ESP6500
- 1000 Genome
- GenomeAD - 最全人群频率数据库
- awesome-bio-datasets
- cngb - 华大数据库
- Orphanet - 罕见病数据库
- jaspar - JASPAR is a regularly maintained open-access database storing manually curated TF binding preferences as position frequency matrices (PFMs).
- Uniprot
- Pfam
- HPA - Human Protein Atlas 数据库
- Amino acid distance - 氨基酸之间的距离计算
- OmicsEV - A tool for large scale omics datasets evaluation
- annovar
- Oncotator
- HGVS - 基因组注释说明
- snpeff - Genomic variant annotations and functional effect prediction toolbox.
- Genomic variant annotations and functional effect prediction toolbox.
- trackViewer
- mygene - 基因ID转换
- transvar - MD Anderson开发的注释工具
- vep
- trimmomatic - 去接头软件
- trim_galore - 质控去接头软件,包装了cutadapt和fastqc,可以自动识别接头
- cutadapt - 去接头软件
- fastqc - 质控软件
- fastp - 质控软件
- AfterQC - 质控软件
- MultiQC - 整合QC质控结果
- Conpair - 计算肿瘤样本VS对照样本配对和污染情况
- contatester - Compute the Allelic Balance of a sample from a VCF file, check if a cross human contamination is present and estimate the degree of contamination.
- preseq - Software for predicting library complexity and genome coverage in high-throughput sequencing.
- rasusa- Randomly subsample sequencing reads to a specified coverage
- ConsensusCruncher - ConsensusCruncher is a tool that suppresses errors in next-generation sequencing data by using unique molecular identifers (UMIs) to amalgamate reads derived from the same DNA template into a consensus sequence.
- fgbio
- UMI-tools
- MuSE MD Anderson
- SomaticSniper
- strelka
- MutScan - Detect and visualize target mutations by scanning FastQ files directly
- VarScan
- VarDict
- samtools
- freebayes - a haplotype-based variant detector
- Mutect2
- ascat - Allele-specific copy number analysis of tumors
- bedtools - a powerful toolset for genome arithmetic
- HMMcopy
- facets - CNV for WES
- cnv_facets - 包装的FACETS软件,用于计算CNV、纯度、倍性
- CNVkit - CNV分析,基于on-target和off-target
- CopywriteR - CNV分析,基于off-target
- DNAcopy - CNV分析
- CONTRA - 目标区域CNV分析
- copyCat - somatic copy number aberrations
- ExomeCNV - CNV (Copy-Number Variants) and LOH (Loss of Heterozygosity) from exome sequencing data
- ichorCNA - estimating the fraction of tumor in cell-free DNA from ultra-low-pass whole genome sequencing (ULP-WGS, 0.1x coverage)
- PureCN - This package estimates tumor purity, copy number, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and classifies single nucleotide variants (SNVs) by somatic status and clonality.
- sequenza - Copy Number Estimation from Tumor Genome Sequencing Data
- ascets - Arm-level Somatic Copy-number Events in Targeted Sequencing
- CNTools - Convert segment data into a region by sample matrix to allow for other high level computational analyses.
- pindel - detect breakpoints of large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications
- breakdancer - genome-wide detection of structural variants from next generation paired-end sequencing reads
- lumpy - A probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery
- manta - Structural variant and indel caller
- SVision - Detecting genome structural variants with deep learning in single molecule sequencing
- GeneFuse - Gene fusion detection and visualization
- svict - Structural Variation and fusion detection using targeted sequencing data from circulating cell free DNA
- FusionMap
- STAR-Fusion
- arriba - Fast and accurate gene fusion detection from RNA-Seq data
- FusionCatcher - Finder of Somatic Fusion Genes in RNA-seq data
- ShatterSeek - 评估染色体碎裂(chromothripsis)
- ChainFinder - chromoplexy(一种复杂重排)
- EasyFuse - EasyFuse is a pipeline for accurate fusion gene detection from RNA-seq data. 2022
- MapSplice2 (2.2.1)
- InFusion (0.8)
- SOAPfuse (1.2.7)
- scarHRD - scarHRD is an R package which determines the levels of homologous recombination deficiency (telomeric allelic imbalance, loss off heterozygosity, number of large-scale transitions) based on NGS (WES, WGS) data.
- rna-seq-strand - RNA分析链向选择
- Hisat2 - graph-based alignment of next generation sequencing reads to a population of genomes
- stringtie - Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-Seq
- gffread - 通过gff文件提取转录本fasta序列
- Xfam - RNA数据库
- featureCounts - map到基因的reads统计
- htseq - map到基因的reads统计htseq-count
- miRBase - miRNA数据库
- STAR - RNAseq mapping tools
- STAR-Fusion - 基因融合分析工具
- arriba - Arriba is a command-line tool for the detection of gene fusions from RNA-Seq data.
- Trinity_CTAT - Trinity Cancer Transcriptome Analysis Toolkit
- Trinity - RNA-Seq De novo Assembly
- Cufflinks - Transcriptome assembly and differential expression analysis for RNA-Seq
- GimmeMotifs - motif analysis
- gkmsvm - Enhanced Regulatory Sequence Prediction Using Gapped k-mer Features
- meme - Motif-based sequence analysis tools
- rnacocktail - RNA分析流程 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00050-4
- MSigDB - a collection of annotated gene sets for use with GSEA software
- rbsurv - This package selects genes associated with survival. 获取与生存时间相关的基因
- WGCNA - WGCNA其译为加权基因共表达网络分析。该分析方法旨在寻找协同表达的基因模块(module),并探索基因module与关注的表型之间的关联关系,以及网络中的核心基因。http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~yandell/statgen/ucla/WGCNA/wgcna.html
- CIBERSORT - to provide an estimation of the abundances of member cell types in a mixed cell population, using gene expression data.
- RSEM - RNA分析工具
- BWA - BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome
- BBmap
- GSNAP - Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program
- DRAGMAP - Illumina Dragmap is the Dragen mapper/aligner Open Source Software.
- alignment_tools - alignment工具总结
- AUGUSTUS - AUGUSTUS is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences
- TransDecoder - CDS预测
- MIGEC - Molecular Identifier Guided Error Correction pipeline
- igblast - NCBI开发的用于比对TCR的工具
- vdjtools - TCR分析套件
- vdjmatch - Matching T-cell repertoire against a database of TCR antigen specificities
- gliph - GLIPH clusters TCRs that are predicted to bind the same MHC-restricted peptide antigen.
- iSMART - immuno-Similarity Measurement by Aligning Receptors of T cells
- TRUST4 - 使用RNAseq数据分析TCR和BCR
- VDJdb - CDR3-抗原数据库
- immunarch - Fast and Seamless Exploration of Single-cell and Bulk T-cell/Antibody Immune Repertoires in R
- TRUST4 - TRUST is a computational tool to analyze TCR and BCR sequences using unselected RNA sequencing data
- phangorn - 肿瘤进化算法
- CITUP - Clonality Inference in Multiple Tumor Samples using Phylogeny
- deconstructSigs - R语言 signature分析
- LICHeE - Fast and scalable inference of multi-sample cancer lineages
- ExpressBetaDiversity - 可基于tree计算beta多样性
- phangorn - 肿瘤进化
- clonevol - Inferring and visualizing clonal evolution in multi-sample cancer sequencing
- dndscv - 计算肿瘤样本dn/ds
- btctools - 计算ds/dn
- treeomics - 构建进化树
- MACHINA - 构建进化树
- MOBSTER - 克隆进化2020
- sciclone - 克隆进化分析
- pyclone - 克隆进化分析
- citup - The following package implements the method described in Clonality inference in multiple tumor samples using phylogeny
- TimeScape - TimeScape is a visualization tool for temporal clonal evolution.
- SCHISM - SCHISM is a computational tool designed to infer subclonal hierarchy and the tumor evolution from somatic mutations.
- EstimateClonality
- ECLIPSE - R package for clonal deconvolution of tumour-informed ctDNA data using clonality and copy number information from tumour tissue.
- STRING - 蛋白互作
- SetRank - 富集分析
- GSVA - 富集分析,可以进行ssGSEA分析
- bam-readcount - 位点深度统计
- somaticfreq - knowledge-based genotyping of targetted somatic variants from the tumor BAM file
- Wgsim - 数据模拟
- DWGSIM - 数据模拟
- bamgineer - 数据模拟
- vcf2bed
- slicer - Slice a text file (like FastQ) to smaller files by lines, with gzip supported
- Vt - a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data.
- hgvs - 解析hgvs
- deeptools - tools for exploring deep sequencing data
- sambamba - bam文件处理工具,类似samtools,速度快
- BamUtil - bamUtil is a repository that contains several programs that perform operations on SAM/BAM files.
- bamtools - A small, but powerful suite of command-line utility programs for manipulating and querying BAM files.
- ngs-bits - Short-read sequencing tools (SampleGender)
- CCB - 约翰霍普金斯大学计算生物学研究中心(RNA分析工具、meta分析工具)
- quinlanlab - Quinlan实验室,分析工具
- raphael lab - raphael lab 实验室
- 学习网站
- cgdsr - TCGA临床数据下载
- cbioportal - TCGA临床数据下载,数据可视化MutationMapper、OncoPrinter
- perl计算序列相似性 - 计算序列的相似性perl
- intogen - 可视化
- kraken - Kraken taxonomic sequence classification system
- microbiology - 一些分析软件
- Parsnp - 细菌/病毒的call SNP
- fastv - 病毒检测
- ChAMP - 甲基化R包
- Bismark - 甲基化比对工具
- RESET - TCGA Pan-cancer甲基化分析工具
- MONOD2 - 甲基化单体型
- MethPipe - a computational pipeline for analyzing bisulfite sequencing data
- InfiniumPurify - Estimate and Account for Tumor Purity in Cancer Methylation Data Analysis
- minfi - Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
- GREAT - GREAT predicts functions of cis-regulatory regions.
- gemBS [ENCODE]https://www.encodeproject.org/pipelines/ENCPL182IUX/]
- mutsigcv - 驱动基因
- OncodriveFML
- CovGen - Creates a target specific exome_full192.coverage.txt file required by MutSig
- motifStack motif绘图
- homer - motif
- miRbase - the microRNA database
- [scrna-tools](https://www.scrna-tools.org/
- awesome-single-cell
- single-cell-tutorial - Scripts for "Current best-practices in single-cell RNA-seq: a tutorial"
- tracer - 单细胞RNAseq测序的TCR分析
- awesome-single-cell - List of software packages (and the people developing these methods) for single-cell data analysis
- SingleCell - 计算CNV score,可用于区分malignant cell
- infercnv - Inferring copy number alterations from tumor single cell RNA-Seq data
- infercnvpy - Scanpy plugin to infer copy number variation (CNV) from single-cell transcriptomics data
- copykat - Inference of genomic copy number and subclonal structure of human tumors from high-throughput single cell RNAseq data
- batchbench - BatchBench is a Nextflow workflow for running the following scRNA-Seq data batch effect correction methods
- dyno - 60种轨迹分析
- DoubletFinder - 过滤doublets细胞
- DoubletDecon - 基于反卷积方法去除doublets细胞
- DropletUtils - Utilities for handling droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq data
- AUCell - 单细胞的Gene set分析
- GENIE3 - Infer gene regulatory network (GRNs) based on co-expression patterns
- RcisTarget - Transcription factor binding motif enrichment
- pySCENIC - pySCENIC is a lightning-fast python implementation of the SCENIC pipeline which enables biologists to infer transcription factors, gene regulatory networks and cell types from single-cell RNA-seq data.
- scvelo - RNA velocity generalized through dynamical modeling
- Velocyto - Velocyto is a library for the analysis of RNA velocity.
- monocle3 - An analysis toolkit for single-cell RNA-seq.
- harmony - 主要用于数据整合
- cellphonedb - 细胞通讯
- cellchat - 细胞通讯
- stlearn - a downstream analysis toolkit for Spatial Transcriptomics data
- scFusion - scFusion is a computational pipeline for detecting gene fusions at single-cell resolution. scFusion works on Linux/Mac OS
- MutationalPatterns - An extensive toolset for the characterization and visualization of a wide range of mutational patterns in base substitution catalogs.
- deconstructSigs - signature分析
- SparseSignatures - Mutational signature
- samr - 芯片数据分析,置换检验,没有limma的稳健性好
- limma
- HOMER - HOMER (Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) is a suite of tools for Motif Discovery and ChIP-Seq analysis.
- iClusterPlus - integrative clustering of multiple genomic data sets
- CMSclassifier - 肠癌分型
- wisecondor - Detect fetal trisomies and smaller CNV's in a maternal plasma sample using whole-genome data.