
Standalone scripts that are useful for manipulating and analysing DNA sequence data

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository comprises various standalone scripts that are useful for manipulating DNA sequence data. These are summarised here, see the documentation of each script using the help argument.

annotation_distances.py reports the number of bases between each consecutive pair of annotations for each record in a genbank format file

translate.py translates nucleotide sequences in a fasta into amino acids

backtranslate.py takes as input a aligned amino acid sequences and their corresponding unaligned nucleotide sequences and returns a nucleotide alignment

consensus.py outputs the majority rule consensus of an input alignment

extract_genes.pl extracts the nucleotide sequences corresponding to selected annotations from the records of a genbank file

filter_fasta_by_fasta.py filters the sequences in a fasta based on their presence in a second fasta file

filter_fasta_by_sintax.py filters the sequences in a fasta according to the taxonomy in a sintax-format file

filterfasta.pl filters the sequences in a fasta according to a text file of required headers or a specified search term

fixgb.py corrects genbank file LOCUS lines to work properly in biopython

gb_to_fasta.pl extracts the sequences from a genbank file and outputs them as a fasta file

get_genbanks.py downloads genbank-format files from NCBI GenBank by accession number

get_NCBI_Taxonomy.py retrieves taxonomy information from the NCBI Taxonomy database by taxid numbers

MBC_refmatcher.py integrates the results of searching an OTU/ASV file against a local set of references into the OTU/ASV file and a read mapping table

muldemux.py wraps cutadapt over many files and indices

reducealign.py removes redundant columns from an alignment

split_fasta.pl splits a multifasta into individual fastas for each sequence

split_fasta_by_label.py splits a multifasta into separate fastas according to labels in the sequence headers

split_genbank.pl splits a genbank-format file with multiple records into individual files for each record

subset_fasta.py randomly subsets a given proportion or number of sequences from a fasta

subset_gb_by_taxonomy.pl extracts sequences from a genbank-format file according to taxonomy

trimalign.py removes sequences from an alignment according to regular expressions, optionally dropping gap-only columns afterwards.

Deprecated scripts

isPCR.py performs a very basic attempt at in silico PCR - cutadapt is better than this script

rename_newick_with_classifiers.pl renames a phylogeny using a table - phylabel.R in the (phylostuff)[https://github.com/tjcreedy/phylostuff] repository is better than this

rename_newick_with_gb.pl renames a phylogeny using metadata parsed from a genbank file