
Visualize carla in the web browser

Primary LanguageC++

CarlaViz Build Status

Visualize carla in the web browser.

Version Supported

Platform Supported Carla Version Docker/Source
Ubuntu 0.9.6, 0.9.7, 0.9.8,,, 0.9.10,, 0.9.11 Docker image and source
Windows, 0.9.10,, 0.9.11 Only docker image


Docker image

Docker image is provided. Run following command to pull this image (including frontend and backend).

# pull the image based on your carla version
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.6
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.7
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.8
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.10
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.11
docker pull mjxu96/carlaviz:latest

How to run it?

Here is a simple example to run it. This example also includes the Python API to draw extra lines, points and texts in the web browser.

Build from source

Although the container image is out-of-box to use, you are also welcome to build on your own!

Refer to this page for building instructions.


Minjun Xu mjxu96@gmail.com

Used Libraries

  1. uber streetscape.gl as frontend
  2. carla
  3. mjxu96 xviz
  4. boost


  • Load crossroads in the map instead of drawing them in real time.
  • Re-structure the backend codes.
  • Add support for changing map.