
Open Source Photometric classification https://supernnova.readthedocs.io

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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What is SuperNNova (SNN)

SuperNNova is an open-source photoemtric time-series classification framework.

The framework includes different RNN architectures (LSTM, GRU, Bayesian RNNs) and can be trained with simulations in .csv and SNANA FITS format. SNN is part of the PIPPIN end-to-end cosmology pipeline.

You can train your own model for time-series classification (binary or multi-class) using photometry and additional features.

Please include the full citation if you use this material in your research: A Möller and T de Boissière, MNRAS, Volume 491, Issue 3, January 2020, Pages 4277–4293.

Read the documentation



Clone this repository (preferred)

git clone https://github.com/supernnova/supernnova.git

and configure environment using this documentation

Read the papers

Please include the full citation if you use this material in your research: A Möller and T de Boissière, MNRAS, Volume 491, Issue 3, January 2020, Pages 4277–4293.

To reproduce Möller & de Boissière, 2019 MNRAS switch to paper branch and build documentation.

To reproduce the Dark Energy Survey analyses use commit fcf8584b64974ef7a238eac718e01be4ed637a1d:

To reproduce Fink analyses until 2024 use commit fcf8584b64974ef7a238eac718e01be4ed637a1d and check Fink's github.

Build docs

cd docs && make clean && make html && cd ..
firefox docs/_build/html/index.html


This package has been updated to a recent pytorch through the ADACS Merit allocation program 2023-2024.