Code repository for the manuscript 'Validation of the performance of competing risks prediction models: a guide through modern methods' (2023, BMJ)
- abruninxMaastricht University
- artlesshao
- bblodfonOslo
- BenGoudsmit
- christianak
- drpennyhui
- HaibinLi0817
- hao203Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
- huc-lab
- juancqCBDRH @ UNSW
- MattForshawNewcastle upon Tyne, UK
- minghao2016
- msegarTexas Heart Institute
- ntmvUniversity of British Columbia
- Owain-S
- rstrotheChristchurch, New Zealand
- RubenEC
- sergiouribeRiga Stradins University
- stefanmichielsGRGustave Roussy - Inserm CESP - University Paris-Saclay
- TanweiY
- TenenteColombian
- tulanas
- yuanxiaoyuanyouyuan
- zhujiegu