FlaHMM: unistrand flamenco-like piRNA cluster prediction in Drosophila species using hidden Markov models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FlaHMM: unistrand flamenco-like piRNA cluster prediction in Drosophila species


FlaHMM can be cloned from our GitHub repository using the following command

git clone https://github.com/Hannon-lab/FlaHMM.git

To install all Python dependencies, we recommend creating a conda environment and install them using pip (or pip3, if applicable)

conda create -n FlaHMM python=3.8
conda activate FlaHMM

pip install pandas
pip install scikit-learn
pip install "hmmlearn==0.2.7"
pip install matplotlib
pip install tqdm
pip install seaborn
pip install openpyxl

FlaHMM has primarily been tested using hmmlearn v0.2.7. If needed, FlaHMM can also run with hmmlearn 0.2.8 or newer, however, please note that MultinomialHMM has been renamed to CategoricalHMM.

Downloading transposon annotations

FlaHMM requires information about Gypsy transposon content across the target genome. The easiest option will be to download our pre-computed transposon content files using the following command.

cd FlaHMM
wget https://content.cruk.cam.ac.uk/ghlab/Susanne/FlaHMM/bins.tar.gz
tar xf bins.tar.gz

This includes pre-processed files for 193 genome assemblies from 119 species. All full list of all pre-processed genome assemblies and species is available here. Alternatively, you can prepare custom transposon content annotations using the instructions below.

Running FlaHMM

To run FlaHMM, go to the FlaHMM directory and run FlaHMM.py with the following parameters:

  • Drosophila species genome assembly to make predictions on (e.g., Dmel.dm6, Dfic.GCF_018152265 or Dper.d101g; please find a full list here).
  • Bin size in kb (2.5, 5 or 10)
  • LTR/Gypsy threshold (0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 or 0.2)

For example:

python FlaHMM.py --species Dmel.dm6 --bins 5 --threshold 0.025

Results are saved in results folder and can be visualised with the Results_Visualisation.ipynb Jupyter notebook found in the supplementary repository.

Output of FlaHMM

Running FlaHMM with the command above would give the following results

$ python FlaHMM.py  --species Dmel.dm6 --bins 5 --threshold .025
FlaHMM v1.0.0

A tool for flam-like cluster predictions based on LTR/Gypsy transposon content.

If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please visit our GitHub issues page:
Formatting test data....
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 29918/29918 [00:02<00:00, 11260.50it/s]
Making flaHMM predictions for Dmel.dm6...

Done. Predictions saved in results folder as results/results_Dmel.dm6_Bin_5k_threshold_0.025.txt.

Here, the output file results/results_Dmel.dm6_Bin_5k_threshold_0.025.txt is indicated, and has the following structure

$ head results/results_Dmel.dm6_Bin_5k_threshold_0.025.txt 
        chr     bin_start       bin_end strand  species_test    region_binary   emission_0.025  pred_0.025      proba_NoCluster_0.025   proba_Cluster_0.025     proba_Centromere_0.025
0       chr2L   0       5000    plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999719472651957      7.436615274089606e-06   2.0616119612784525e-05
1       chr2L   5000    10000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999847199204476      2.347948548920461e-06   1.2932131042633266e-05
2       chr2L   10000   15000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999911049428629      7.586888007424614e-07   8.13636828857453e-06
3       chr2L   15000   20000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999945944408082      2.6234102246346134e-07  5.143218177404513e-06
4       chr2L   20000   25000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999966175533153      1.0732452310906451e-07  3.2751220558534618e-06
5       chr2L   25000   30000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999978318904452      5.8910512990356805e-08  2.109198985609179e-06
6       chr2L   30000   35000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999985746911687      4.378999174827752e-08   1.3815187994768812e-06
7       chr2L   35000   40000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999990335761717      3.9067539081585073e-08  9.273563859768871e-07
8       chr2L   40000   45000   plus    Dmel.dm6        0       0       0       0.9999993185044835      3.759258416502015e-08   6.439028927488428e-07

Specifically, the output data contains the following columns:

  1. chr - Chromosome
  2. bin_start - Start coordinate
  3. bin_end - End coordinate
  4. strand - Strand
  5. species_test - Name of species (and assembly)
  6. region_binary - Known annotation if available (0 = none, 1 = flam(like), 2 = centromere)
  7. emission_0.025 - Emission (0 = TEs below threshold, 1 = TEs on one strand, 2 = TEs on both strands)
  8. pred_0.025 - Predicted region (0 = none, 1 = flam(like), 2 = centromere)
  9. proba_NoCluster_0.025 - Predicted probability for none (0)
  10. proba_Cluster_0.025 - Predicted probability for flam(like) (1)
  11. proba_Centromere_0.025 - Predicted probability for centromere (2)

Optional: Preparing custom transposon annotations

To run FlaHMM, you need to calculate transposon content for the genome of interest using RepeatMasker with a suitable transposon library (FASTA). If no transposon library is available for your species of interest, we recommend running EDTA. Alternatively, you could use an existing library (e.g., RepBase) from a closely related species. Detailed instructions are found below:

  • examples/run_EDTA - Scripts/instructions to generate EDTA transposon libraries (optional)
  • examples/make_bins - Scripts to calculate LTR/Gypsy content genome-wide per 2.5 kb, 5 kb, or 10 kb bins from RepeatMasker output

If you use your own BED-like input files, put them into the bins directory using the following directory structure

$ tree bins
├── bins_10k
│   ├── minus
│   │   └── Dmel.dm6.bed
│   ├── plus
│   │   └── Dmel.dm6.bed
└── bins_5k
    ├── minus
    │   └── Dmel.dm6.bed
    └── plus
        └── Dmel.dm6.bed

and ensure that the BED-like files have the following format.


If you find FlaHMM useful for your research, please consider citing it:

FlaHMM: unistrand flamenco-like piRNA cluster prediction in Drosophila species using hidden Markov models
Maria-Anna Trapotsi, Jasper van Lopik, Gregory J Hannon, Benjamin Czech Nicholson, Susanne Bornelöv
bioRxiv 2024.05.14.592433; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.14.592433