
Examples of data science projects created with Kedro.


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What is kedro-community?

This repo contains links to articles, podcasts and videos about Kedro, as well as community created examples of Kedro projects.

If you're looking to engage with the community then we suggest checking out the Kedro Community forum channel.

Where can I find more example projects using Kedro?

The Kedro team maintains the following official Kedro tutorial projects, also known as starters:

Our community of Kedro users are creating their own profile projects, you can have a look at:

  • Response Recommendation System for BarefootLaw by Kasun Amarasinghe, Carlos Caro, Nupoor Gandhi and Raphaelle Roffo, an extensive Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) at Imperial College London project that recommends responses to law related queries
  • Augury by Craig Franklin, machine-learning functionality for predicting AFL match results in the Tipresias app
  • CausalLift by Yusuke Minami, a Python package for Uplift Modeling in real-world business
  • PipelineX by Yusuke Minami, a Python package to develop pipelines for rapid Machine/Deep Learning experimentation using Kedro and MLflow. Example projects using PyTorch, Pandas, and OpenCV are available.
  • kedro-mlflow-example by Tom Goldenberg, a project that demonstrates how to integrate MLflow with a Kedro codebase
  • kedro-wdbc-tf by Abhinav Prakash, this project uses a Kedro template to create Deep Learning workflow. The model training was done with TensorFlow against the wdbc (Breast Cancer) dataset.
  • twitter-sentiment-analysis by Avi Agarwal, a project that demonstrates how to use Kedro to train and evaluate an NLP-based machine learning model.

You can find a useful list of Kedro-related plugins, blog posts, videos, and other resources over on Florian Kromer's Github awesome-kedro repository.

Where can I find articles, podcasts and videos about Kedro?

Date Title Author Channel Format Language
N/A DataEngineerOne Kedro Youtube channel Tam-Sanh Nguyen YouTube Recording English
27/10/2020 Jungle Scout case study: Kedro, Airflow, and MLFlow use on production code Eduardo Ohe Jungle Scout Engineering Article English
26/10/2020 What's New in Kedro 0.16.6? Waylon Walker Personal Blog Article English
08/10/2020 Designing a "Router" for kedro Waylon Walker Personal Blog Article English
06/10/2020 Power is nothing without control Jo Stichbury Towards Data Science Article English
28/08/2020 Start small and grow big MLOps2020 @chck PyCon Japan 2020 Presentation Japanese
22/07/2020 Principled Data Science Workflows Eric Ma PyData Data Boston July Recording English
21/07/2020 Get Started with Machine Learning Pipelines at Kedro @noko_qii Qiita Article Japanese
02/07/2020 Mid Meet Py - Ep.14 - Interview with Waylon Walker Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
25/06/2020 How to find datasets in your kedro catalog Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
19/06/2020 How Kedro handles your inputs Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
05/06/2020 Post mortem debugging sessions with Kedro hooks Zain Patel Personal Blog Article English
01/06/2020 Start small and grow big MLOps2020 @chck CyberAgent AI tech studio Article Japanese
27/05/2020 Create Configurable Kedro Hooks Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
26/05/2020 What's an example use case of Kedro? Waylon Walker Software Daily Article English
26/05/2020 Kedro 0.16.0 is released Waylon Walker Software Daily Article English
20/05/2020 Make Notebook Pipeline with Kedro+Papermill Takumi Hirata Qitta Article Japanese
14/05/2020 25 Hot New Data Tools and What They DON’T do Pete Soderling Towards Data Science Article English
11/05/2020 Kedro Hooks Intro - creating the kedro-preflight hook Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
19/04/2020 Next Generation Data Science and Data Engineering Frameworks Will Flowers Personal Blog Article English
02/03/2020 Create New Kedro Pipeline (kedro new) Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
24/02/2020 What is Kedro (The Parts) Waylon Walker DEV Community Article English
10/02/2020 Understanding best-practice Python tooling by comparing popular project templates Jonas Kemper Medium Article English
08/02/2020 A story using the Kedro pipeline library Kien Y. Knot Hatena Blog Article Japanese
07/02/2020 Transparent data flow with Kedro Nick Doiron Medium Article English
02/02/2020 Comparison of Python pipeline packages: Airflow, Luigi, Metaflow, Kedro & PipelineX Yusuke Minami Medium Article Japanese
23/12/2019 Kedro in Jupyter Notebooks On Google GCP Dataproc Zhong Chen Zhong Chen Article English
19/12/2019 Production-level data pipelines that make everyone happy using Kedro Yetunde Dada PyData Berlin 2019 Recording English
18/12/2019 Building a Pipeline with Kedro for an ML Competition Masaaki Hirotsu Medium Article Japanese
18/12/2019 Kedro - Nubank ML Meetup Carlos Barreto Nubank On the Stage Recording Portuguese
16/12/2019 Data Science Best Practices con Kedro Carlos Gimenez PyData Córdoba Argentina 2019 Recording Spanish
18/11/2019 Using Kedro and MLflow Deploying and versioning data pipelines at scale Tom Goldenberg & Musa Bilal QuantumBlack Medium Article English
01/10/2019 Ship Faster With An Opinionated Data Pipeline Framework Episode** 100 Tom Goldenberg Data Engineering Podcast Podcast English
11/07/2019 Some cool open-source Python packages for Machine Learning François Pacul Architecture & Performance Article English
04/06/2019 Kedro: A New Tool For Data Science Jo Stichbury Towards Data Science Article English

Where can I find plugins, extensions, and kedro-related packages?

The community of plugin authors tag each project on GitHub with the kedro-plugin tag. You can find a listing of all plugins on GitHub.

What licence do you use?

Kedro is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.