
A simple Golang authentication library with batteries included (hashing, permissions, validation, etc)

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Godoc Reference Go Report Card

A simple (but opinionated) Golang authentication library with a very simple interface (below). You can use this library to pull in core authentication functionality (minting tokens, validating tokens, & registering) to your application quickly and easily.

type Auth interface {
	Register(user User, password string) error
	GetToken(email string, password string, reqPermissions Permissions) (token string, err error)
	Validate(token string) (*Claims, error)

A gRPC microservice wrapping this interface is in progress and can be found at suyashkumar/auth-grpc.

You only need to provide a database connectionString and signingKey, and everything else is taken care of for you including:

  • table and database setup (including uniqueness constraints and useful indicies)
  • hashing passwords using bcrypt on register
  • comparing hashed passwords on login
  • validation of new user fields like "Email" (TBD)
  • encoding and extraction of key fields stored in the JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • ensuring that a token's requested permissions does not exceed the user's maximum permission level

A minimal example is below:

a, _ := auth.NewAuthenticator(db_string, signing_key)

u := auth.User{
	UUID:               uuid.NewV4(),
	Email:              "test@test.com",
	MaxPermissionLevel: auth.PERMISSIONS_USER,

// Register a new user
a.Register(u, "password")

// Login as user
token, err := a.GetToken(u.Email, "password", auth.PERMISSIONS_USER)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("JWT Token: %s\n\n", token)

// Validate the user's token
claims, _ := a.Validate(token)
fmt.Printf("%+v", claims)