
Authentication gRPC microservice with batteries included (db, hashing, validation, etc)

Primary LanguageGo

auth-grpc [WIP]

A simple (but opinionated) Golang authentication gRPC microservice that implements very simple interface (below) that comes with batteries included (permissions, hashing, validation, etc). This is a gRPC wrapper around my core suyashkumar/auth Go authentication library.

type Auth interface {
	Register(user User, password string) error
	GetToken(email string, password string, reqPermissions Permissions) (token string, err error)
	Validate(token string) (*Claims, error)

You only need to set a database DbConnString and SigningKey environment variables, and everything else is taken care of for you including:

  • table and database setup (including uniqueness constraints and useful indicies)
  • hashing passwords using bcrypt on register
  • comparing hashed passwords on login
  • validation of new user fields like "Email" (TBD)
  • encoding and extraction of key fields stored in the JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • ensuring that a token's requested permissions does not exceed the user's maximum permission level