
The master list of Craft 3-compatible plugins

Craft 3 Plugins

Plugin Developer Description
Admin Bar Will Browar Front-end shortcuts for clients logged into Craft CMS
Agnostic Fetch Marion Newlevant Uniform syntax for fetching elements whether or not they have been eager loaded
Amazon S3 P&T Amazon S3 volume type
Amazon SES BORU Creative Amazon SES mailer adapter
Anchors P&T Add anchor links to headings in your Craft CMS website content
Asset Rev Club Studio A plugin to aid cache-busting in Craft 3
Autologin Superbig Automatically login based on whitelisted IP, basic auth username or URL keys
Beam Superbig Generate CSVs and XLS files in your templates
Bugsnag Pinfire Studios Allows errors and exceptions to be sent to Bugsnag
Calendar Links Superbig Generate add to calendar links for Google, iCal and other calendar systems
Category Tree Dale Ramirez Builds a Category tree structure for your menu and links
Codemirror Wesley Luyten Add the awesome in-browser code editor CodeMirror as a field type
Collections Superbig Clean up those complex templates with Laravel Collections
Command Palette a&m impact Add a command palette for Craft.
Contact Form P&T Add a simple contact form to your Craft CMS site
Contact Form Drip Nathan Heffley Integrate your Craft CMS contact form with your Drip email automation system.
Contact Form Honeypot P&T Add a honeypot captcha to your Craft CMS contact form
Contact Form Validation isev Simple server-side contact form validation for the Craft CMS 3 Contact Form plugin
Cookies nystudio107 A simple plugin for setting and getting cookies from within Craft CMS templates
CP Field Inspect Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff Inspect field handles and easily edit fields from element edit forms
CP Nav Verbb Manage your Craft CMS control panel navigation with ease.
Craft Mix mister bk! Helper plugin for Laravel Mix in Craft CMS templates
CraftQL Mark Huot A zero-conf GraphQL API for Craft
Default Tab Studio Espresso Add a default tab to your new sections
Disqus nystudio107 Integrates the Disqus commenting system into Craft 3 websites, including Single Sign On (SSO) and custom login/logout URLs
Doxter Selvin Ortiz Markdown Editor & Parser
Dumper Studio Espresso Bringing larapack/dd to Craft 3 and Twig
Eager Beaver nystudio107 Allows you to eager load elements from auto-injected Entry elements on demand from your templates.
Element API P&T Create a JSON API for your elements in Craft
Expanded Singles Verbb A simple plugin that alters the Entries Index sidebar to list all Singles, rather than grouping them under a 'Singles' section.
Facebook Dukt Facebook Insights widget for the dashboard.
Facebook Connector Simon Müller (Boscho) Post your Craft entry to Facebook in no time
FastCGI Cache Bust nystudio107 Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created.
Forms Dolphiq This craft CMS 3 form plugin makes it easy to create and use custom forms with the features the Yii 2 Framework offers. On top of this, the plugin provides even more functionalities for easy implementation and configuration of forms in twig templates.
Geo Cookie Luke Youell Collect information about a visitor's location based on their IP address and store the information as a cookie.
Google Cloud P&T Google Cloud Files volume type
GTmetrix Luke Youell GTmetrix gives you insight on how well your entries load and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimise them.
Guest Entries P&T Accept anonymous entry submissions with Craft.
Hexdec P&T Converts hexadecimal values to decimals.
HTTP2 Server Push Superbig Automatically add HTTP2 Link headers for CSS, JS and image assets.
Iconpicker Dolphiq Craft plugin that provides a new field type that offers end users an easy way to pick an icon from a .woff or .ttf font file.
ImageOptimize nystudio107 Automatically create & optimize responsive image transforms.
Imgix Superbig Use Imgix to optimize and deliver images fast
Inlin André Elvan Inline local and remote files in twig templates.
Inline Wesley Luyten Inline the contents of a file in a twig template
Instant Analytics nystudio107 Instant Analytics brings full Google Analytics support to your Twig templates and automatic Craft Commerce integration with Google Enhanced Ecommerce.
Logout Redirect Superbig Configure where to send users after they logout.
Mailgun P&T Mailgun mailer adapter
Maintenance Mode Venveo Maintenance mode CLI helper for Craft
Mandrill P&T Mandrill mailer adapter
Match Input Marion Newlevant Field type for text fields that match a regex pattern
Minify nystudio107 A simple plugin that allows you to minify blocks of HTML, CSS, and JS inline in Craft CMS templates
MobileDetect Superbig Use Mobile_Detect for detecting mobile devices (including tablets)
NSM Fields Newism / Leevi Graham Address, telephone and email fields
Parsedown Wesley Luyten Adds Parsedown, the PHP Markdown parser
Patrol Selvin Ortiz Maintenance Mode & SSL Routing
PathTools nystudio107 This twig plugin for the Craft CMS brings convenient path & url manipulation functions & filters to your Twig templates.
Postmark Flipbox Factory Postmark mail adapter
Published Event Superbig Triggers an event for entries when they are published or expire in the future
Query P&T A plugin that enables users to execute database queries and view their results in Craft CMS.
Rackspace P&T Rackspace Cloud Files volume type
Randomm Superbig Fieldtype that allows you to create random things via chance.js
Readability Mike Stecker Adds twig filters to aid you with your website content, especially with readability
Redactor Font Awesome Sven Jungnickel This plugin brings Font Awesome icons to your Craft website
Redactor Script Buttons Mildly Geeky Adds superscript and subscript buttons to Redactor
Rich Variables nystudio107 Allows you to easily use Craft Globals as variables in Rich Text fields
Recipe nystudio107 A comprehensive recipe FieldType for Craft CMS that includes metric/imperial conversion, portion calculation, and JSON-LD microdata support
Redirect Dolphiq Manage 301 and 302 redirects with an easy to use user interface.
Restrict Superbig Restrict access to the CP based on a IP whitelist
Shortcut Superbig Simple URL shortening
SimpleMap Ether Creative A beautifully simple Google Map field type.
Simple Text P&T Simple textarea field type for Craft.
Snitch Marion Newlevant Report when two people might be editing the same entry
Social Dukt Let your visitors log into Craft CMS with web services like Facebook, Google, Twitter…
Splash! Ether Creative Quickly and easily get beautiful Unsplash images in Craft!
Sprout Notes Barrel Strength Design Sometimes you need to write a note!
Stamp André Elvan Adds timestamp to filenames for easy asset revisioning.
Store Hours P&T Adds a “Store Hours” field type to Craft for collecting business opening and closing hours.
SVG fractorr Transforms SVG data stored in section field into various file formats.
SVG Placeholder mblode A plugin which generates an invisible SVG of specific dimensions for use when lazyloading images in Craft CMS templates.
Title Entries Field Dolphiq Entries-like field type that allows authors to set custom entry titles for each relation.
Transcoder nystudio107 Transcode video & audio files to various formats, and provide video thumbnails
Template Select Superbig A fieldtype that allows you to select a template from the site templates folder.
Typogrify nystudio107 Typogrify prettifies your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and 'widows' and more.
Twig Perversion Marion Newlevant Making Twig do things it really shouldn't. Break, continue, and return tags
Twitter Dukt Tweet field, search widget, embeds, and authenticated Twitter API requests for Craft CMS.
Upper Oliver Stark Integrates Edge Caches like Fastly, KeyCDN, Varnish with Craft.
Valuestore Superbig Easily store some loose values into files
Video Embedder Mike Stecker Craft variable that takes a YouTube or Vimeo URL and converts it to a iframe-friendly embed URL.
Videos Dukt Connect to YouTube & Vimeo and publish social videos on your website.
Walk Top Shelf Craft A Craft-aware array_walk method w/ handy console commands for bulk actions
Weighted Search Venveo Alternative search utility that sorts based on weighted results. Exact matches get prioritized.