[CVPR'20] Fast-MVSNet: Sparse-to-Dense Multi-View Stereo With Learned Propagation and Gauss-Newton Refinement
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dtu dataset
#28 opened by throb081 - 0
Very poor depth map, what can I do?
#29 opened by JzHuai0108 - 2
#14 opened by LSSxyz - 4
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fusible.exe problem
#5 opened - 4
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an illegal memory access was encountered
#13 opened by hua-wu-que - 1
Depth Fusion:AssertionError
#11 opened by lixiansen496 - 1
How exactly FAST build sparse cost volume?
#27 opened by AsDeadAsADodo - 0
chosen_conv = ["conv1", "conv2"]
#26 opened by MengqiChen1006 - 3
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#16 opened by David12233 - 1
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#25 opened by LiuJinhui123 - 0
rectified images from DTU benchmark(123G)Can't be used for testing. How to train and test with my own data
#24 opened by zhao-you-fei - 5
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data test
#21 opened by lilipopololo - 1
how to run in my own dataset?
#7 opened by FarmerLiuAng - 1
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#8 opened by xuwendy - 1
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
#18 opened by zhao-you-fei - 0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\桌面\test\FastMVSNet\fastmvsnet\", line 9, in <module> import torch ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
#17 opened by zhao-you-fei - 6
Gaussian-Newton Layer
#15 opened by NoOneUST - 1
depth quality
#12 opened by hua-wu-que - 2
norm image or not?
#9 opened by ahangchen - 2
Depth Fusion
#3 opened by huanghailiang - 0
Can you provide the dataloader code for tanks-and-temples benchmark??
#6 opened by LifeBeyondExpectations - 0
Results do not match examples
#4 opened by BingEdison - 2
Pretrained Model?
#1 opened by shreyaskamathkm