- 1
Change typing in Tap from typing to built-in types
#152 opened by swansonk14 - 2
Tests fail on Python 3.13
#150 opened by JelleZijlstra - 1
Hashtag on final line of multiline assignment is not registered as a comment
#147 opened by swansonk14 - 4
[suggestion] Use a custom type for help string instead of source code parsing.
#98 opened by Cnoor0171 - 1
- 2
[suggestion] Class variable arguments with multiline defaults do not respect help comments
#130 opened by TibiIius - 1
- 1
tapify input description manually
#138 opened by kddubey - 4
Tap eats my custom error messages :(
#135 opened by iago-lito - 1
[Feature Request] Add new config file types
#137 opened by pi314ever - 3
[suggestion] `tapify` should create positional args for signatures w/ positional-only params
#100 opened by baodrate - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
Refactor `tapify` to enable subparsers
#112 opened by swansonk14 - 1
Add support for using the `Annotated` type to provide comments for the help string
#127 opened by martinjm97 - 0
Tapify, docstrings and typing.NamedTuples
#129 opened by tjgalvin - 3
ImportError: cannot import name 'Tap' from 'tap'
#124 opened by ayushnoori - 1
Human readable JSON for saved Python object
#126 opened by martinjm97 - 1
Explicit bool for tapify
#104 opened by swansonk14 - 4
What is the right way to call `set_defaults`
#109 opened by aucampia - 0
More convenient syntax for subparsers
#123 opened by martinjm97 - 5
Add useful type hints to `Tap.add_subparser`
#111 opened by aucampia - 1
Add useful type hints to `Tap.add_subparsers`
#110 opened by aucampia - 2
Type safe way to access subparser arguments?
#113 opened by aucampia - 1
tapify help string order is random
#121 opened by swansonk14 - 3
- 1
Allow for multi-line documentation of the function
#117 opened by gregtatum - 1
- 1
Tuple parsing with literals
#118 opened by swansonk14 - 1
Fix `tapify` to correctly handle **kwargs
#114 opened by swansonk14 - 1
How to use argparse.FileType?
#108 opened by s3rgeym - 1
- 1
typing-extensions 4.6.0 break literal arguments
#106 opened by grochmal - 1
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- 1
[Feature request] Nested argument parser, e.g., " MODEL_NAME --model.params.lambda 0.1".
#102 opened by CM-BF - 1
[suggestion] `tapify(...)` should support classes/objects by producing subargument parsers
#101 opened by baodrate - 0
- 0
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- 1
Installable through conda
#89 opened by cjmcgill - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Allow single-quoted doc strings
#84 opened by phiresky - 2
Unhandled error when parsing unrecognized arguments when using `explicit_bool=True`
#87 opened by zplizzi - 2
- 1
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