
Action to sync release updates to registrar


Action to sync release updates to the package registry

Table of Content

What it do?

Composite action aimed at hooking into release workflows of registered packages and automatically creating a pull request in the package registry.

Pulls swift-cli's serde_json serialized Package struct passed via environment variables.

Since most packages already uses the following template, the future will also follow this to reduce refactoring.

Requires GitHub account to which pull request is created from


Authentication Inputs

+ 'token': 
Private access token to provide access to private repos and to create pull requests under

+ 'gh-name': 
Github account name

+ 'gh-email': 
Github account email

+ 'aws-access-key-id':
Optional: AWS access key ID used to provide access to the s3 bucket where the package is
stored. Only required if using to publish binaries from an s3 bucket.

+ 'aws-secret-access-key':
Optional: AWS secret access key used to provide access to the s3 bucket where the package
is stored. Only required if using to publish binaries from an s3 bucket.

+ 'aws-access-region':
Optional: AWS region to be used by the access key to log in. Only required if using to
publish binaries from an s3 bucket.

Release metadata

Passed as environment variables, using rust binary (hardcoded with env vars) :( template derived from swift-cli

Autofilled Variables

Environment Variables

  • DIR_(LINUX|MAC|WIN): the base directory array of binary of each OS
    • DIR_LINUX - linux module
    • DIR_MAC - macOS module
    • DIR_WIN - windows module
  • DL_(LINUX|MAC|WIN) the paths/names array to download binaries for each OS
    • DL_LINUX - linux module
    • DL_MAC - macOS module
    • DL_WIN - windows module
  • (DL|DIR)_(LINUX|MAC|WIN)_(x86_64|aarch64|arm) is the general pattern for arch specific entries
    • i.e. if you need aarch64 support for linux in downloads it would be DL_LINUX_aarch64
  • LINKED_TOOLS are the tool names that are linked into ~/.local/bin, provided as string delimited by ,
  • UNLINKED_TOOLS are the tool names that are NOT linked into ~/.local/bin, provided as string delimited by ,
  • TOOLS (deprecated) are the tool names, provided as string delimited by , -- these are by default linked into ~/.local/bin

Most "required" are also optional i.e. you don't need all 3 platforms

  • NAME corresponds to repository name, defaults to repo name where it is called from
  • VERSION corresponds to tag, defaults to tag where it is called from
  • BASE_URL corresponds to web download URL, providing this parameter opts for Web instead of GitHub
  • PROJECT_SLUG in the format "ORG/NAME", defaults to swift-nav/$NAME
  • LINKED (deprecated) not used

If the package is going to be pulled in from an S3 bucket, the following must all be set

  • TOOL_SPECIFIC_SHA will generate a SHA for each tool, not just the archive if any non-empty value is given.
  • S3_REGION the region of the bucket that contains the package
  • S3_BUCKET Name of the bucket
  • S3_PREFIX A list of prefixes which are common across the platforms. The tools will sync all files with the prefix <S3_PREFIX><DL_*>, Note the lack of a joining character between the two. The prefixes must be separated by the <PREFIX_LIST_DELIMITER>.
  • PREFIX_LIST_DELIMITER Because s3 keys can be any valid UTF-8 string, there is an optional env var that can be set to specify what character splits the prefixes in the S3_PREFIX list. This var must only be one valid UTF-8 character. If left empty, the default value is ,.


# Pull this script from marketplace
- name: "Publish to package registry"
  uses: swift-nav/swift-cli-publisher@v2
    DIR_LINUX: "dir+linux"
    DIR_MAC: "dir+mac"
    DIR_WIN: "dir+win"
    DL_LINUX: "dl+linux"
    DL_MAC: "dl+mac"
    DL_WIN: "dl+win"
    # add more if needed...
    LINKED_TOOLS: "tool1,tool2"
    UNLINKED_TOOLS: "tool3"
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    gh-name: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_NAME }}
    gh-email: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_EMAIL }}


See real example in main.yml