Swifty is the serverless platform that allows startups, developers and enterprises to develop and run backend for applications and websites with minimal time-to-market, costs and without infrastructure management. Swifty is available as a service here https://swifty.cloud and you can check how it works.
Swifty Dashboard is available here https://github.com/swiftycloud/swifty-dashboard
It is also available as an Open Source and you are free to use it for all our projects non- or commercial.
Swifty is available with AGPL licenses and you are welcome to contribute and share any ideas you want to implement in a project.
Please use swifty-infrastructure guide here: https://github.com/swiftycloud/swifty-infrastructure
You just need a single server to run Swifty backend and fronend. We recommend to use server with 4 vCPU and 8 GB of RAM at least. If you want to run many cuncurrent functions you obviously need to add more resources.
git clone https://github.com/swiftycloud/swifty
cd swifty
echo 'export GOPATH=$(pwd)/vendor' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
make deps
make swifty/gate
make swifty/admd
docker stop swygate && docker rm swygate
docker stop swyadmd && docker rm swyadmd
docker run -d --net=host --name=swygate -v /etc/swifty:/etc/swifty -v /root/.swysecrets:/root/.swysecrets -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt swifty/gate
docker run -d --net=host --name=swyadmd -v /etc/swifty:/etc/swifty -v /root/.swysecrets:/root/.swysecrets -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt swifty/admd
make swifty/s3
docker stop swys3 && docker rm swys3
docker run -d --net=host --name=swys3 -v /etc/swifty:/etc/swifty -v /root/.swysecrets:/root/.swysecrets -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt swifty/s3
make swifty/golang
make swifty/swift
cd /home/swifty/kubectl/deploy
kubectl apply -f gobuild-dep.yaml (or for the first time kubectl create -f gobuild-dep.yaml)
kubectl apply -f swiftbuild-dep.yaml (or for the first time kubectl create -f swiftbuild-dep.yaml)
docker restart swygate
mailto: vp@swifty.cloud
(С) Vladimir Porokhov, 2021