
A simple ROS based car dynamics simulator

Primary LanguagePython


A simple ROS based car dynamics simulator.

Install ROS

Follow either of the following.

Official Documentation

Melodic with Ubuntu 18.04 is recommended.
Reference: http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu

Convenience Install Script

Using scripts located at etc/ of this repository, depending on you Ubuntu version, run

  • Ubuntu 18.04

sudo chmod 755 ./install_ros_melodic && bash ./install_ros_melodic.sh

  • Ubuntu 16.04

sudo chmod 755 ./install_ros_kinetic && bash ./install_ros_kinetic.sh

Note, aliases are setup in your ~/.bashrc.
To edit, run gedit ~/.bashrc.

Download the Code

Clone this repository to you local machine.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/swl017/eurecarr_simulation.git

Run the following command to install all ROS dependencies for the src/ directory.

cd ~/catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Install Python Dependencies

We need pygame to work with joysticks.

pip install pygame numpy

Note, ROS runs with python 2.x

Running the Simulator

Open a terminal and launch visualization.

roslaunch eurecarr_simulation simVis.launch

In another terminal, run the node.

rosrun eurecarr_simulation simulate_dynamics.py

If the terminal cannot auto-complete the package (eurecarr_simulation), run the following and try again.

cd ~/catkin_ws
rospack profile

If everything is successfull, you should see the following.

  • ROS node rviz

The vehicle is moved because of the initial speed in x direction.

  • ROS node graph

Run the following command



Publish control(steering and throttle) value to /control topic to test your own self-driving algorithms.

Unit Conventions

The following applies to controlSubCallback in script/simulate_dynamics.py

variable name meaning / use in the code units
msg.drive.steering_angle front wheel angle relative to the car heading rad
msg.drive.acceleration throttle level -
self.inputs[0] normalized steer input(min:-1, max:1) -
self.inputs[1] normalized throttle input(min:-1, max:1) -


  • Parameters are located at __init__ of SimulateStep class and main in script/simulate_dynamics.py to try out different settings.

  • The topics simulation/bodyOdom and simulation/poseOdom are different that the former puts velocities in the body frame and the latter puts velocities in the map frame.

  • Change the code freely to fit your needs.