- 0
Can not get pre-trained weights
#93 opened by foreeest - 1
Long proc time when running on CPU
#92 opened by tracyheld - 1
Gaze Vector Accuracy
#87 opened by mikeyd477 - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
About read transferred pb model wrong?
#71 opened by l35633 - 1
only one face
#50 opened by kesin123 - 3
- 1 stucks after video is closed
#88 opened by brianw0924 - 3
Stuck with --from_video option
#79 opened by elvis-kture - 0
python and tensorflow version
#89 opened by HakuWang - 2
Single Image als Input ?!
#66 opened by NawwarAdam - 0
Collaboration offer to help progress
#86 opened by mikeyd477 - 3
How can I get UnityEyes Dataset?
#69 opened by Owen1234560 - 0
About train/test data in MPIIGaze.h5
#85 opened by biyoml - 2
Very low fps on webcam
#55 opened by NirMorad - 0
iris_centre is not mean of iris_landmarks?
#84 opened by barbel-bb - 0
Some questions about the ''
#83 opened by err-or - 1
- 0
RuntimeError: Error deserializing object of type int64 while deserializing a floating point number.
#82 opened by LiuZiMing000 - 5
- 0
- 0
Could you please tell me where the pre-training weight should be placed in the Windows system?
#80 opened by liuyantingyvonne - 0
- 0
Train-data parameter in elg-demo file
#74 opened by aveenakottwani - 0
Running demo elg using CPU gives overlapping frame of original image and segmented eye image instead of segmented eye image in top-left corner
#76 opened by aveenakottwani - 0
- 0
Theta and Phi
#73 opened by SportyL - 1
Training dpg
#70 opened by nhathoang0110 - 0
About pre-trained weights for DPG version?
#72 opened by loinn - 0
Can I get the coordinate of screen?
#67 opened by yongyongdown - 3
- 0
Is it a bug in when doing the merge?
#65 opened by ShukuiZhang - 0
Question about the preprocess_entry()
#62 opened by funkfuzz - 0
#64 opened by Vampire-Vx - 2
Aborted(core dumped)
#46 opened by Liumihan - 2
Fail to run demo on CPU
#63 opened by hoangcuongbk80 - 0
Network summary
#61 opened by Eichizen17 - 0
Weights acquisition failed
#60 opened by Eichizen17 - 1
eyeball radius is hard coded?
#59 opened by david-wb - 1
question about calc_landmarks layer
#58 opened by david-wb - 0
GazeML on jetson nano
#56 opened by SaddamBInSyed - 0
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (216,360,3) into shape (216,280,3)
#54 opened by kaisark - 1
- 1
Not getting output for realtime using webcam
#52 opened by Monikake - 0
cannot do validation
#49 opened by yuqwang913 - 1
Error on
#48 opened by KentaroOtomo - 0
- 2
Single Image processing
#40 opened by felixbeutter