Welcome! Bounce is a 3D physics engine for games.
Feel free to ask questions, give feedback and suggestions using the issue tracker.
Bounce is released under the zlib license. Please recognize this software in the product documentation if possible.
Bounce uses premake for generating project files in a platform agnostic manner. premake is available at https://premake.github.io/.
- Put premake into bounce/.
- Say { premake5 vs2019 } on a command line.
- Open build/vs2019/bounce.sln.
- Set testbed as the startup project.
- In the testbed debugging properties, set Working Directory to ..\..\examples\testbed.
- Press F5 to run.
- Say { ./premake5 gmake2 } on a terminal.
- From build/gmake2 say { make config="debug_x86" }.
- Set the testbed directory as the working directory.
- From bin/x86/debug/testbed say { ./testbed }.
- Say { ./premake5 gmake2 } on a terminal.
- From build/gmake2 say { make config="debug_x86_64" }.
- Set the testbed directory as the working directory.
- From bin/x86_64/debug/testbed say { ./testbed }.
Note: If any errors appears during the compilation then there is probably a missing package. In this case you can search the error in the Internet to identify the package that needs to be installed.
I don't run Mac currently and therefore can't test the build system in this platform.
- Grab Doxygen from http://www.doxygen.org.
- Say the following on the command line: doxygen doxyfile.
- Open doc/api/html/index.html.
User manual is a work in progress. Meanwhile, code comments and examples are the best way to learn how to use Bounce. For examples, you can use the project testbed. testbed is a collection of visual tests and examples that can support the development of the library. As you would imagine, this application is not part of the library.
Please do not open pull requests with bugfixes or new features that require large changes. Open an issue first for discussion.
Below are the external dependencies for testbed. If you don't care about testbed, then you don't need these dependencies.
- Efficient data structures with no use of STL
- Frame, stack, and pool allocators
- Built-in math library
- Tunable settings used across the entire library
- Fairly efficient data structures for representing sparse linear systems
- Sphere, cylinder mesh generators
- Robust 3D convex hull creation and simplification
- Dynamic tree broadphase
- Static tree "midphase"
- Spheres, capsules, convex hulls, triangle meshes, signed distance fields
- Optimized pair management
- Rigid bodies
- Gyroscopic motion solver
- Contact, friction, restitution
- Mouse, spring, sphere, cone, revolute, friction, weld, motor, prismatic, wheel joint types
- Soft constraints
- Quaternion constraints
- Joint motors, limits
- Constraint graphs
- Simulation islands and sleep management
- Linear time solver
- Stable shape stacking
- One-shot contact manifolds
- Contact clustering, reduction, and persistence
- Contact callbacks: begin, pre-solve, post-solve
- Ray-casting, convex-casting, and volume queries
- Rope
- Linear time solver
- Cloth
- Grid, garment mesh types
- Vertex contact, friction
- Strech, shear, spring, mouse force types
- Linear time solver
- Unconditional simulation stability
- Ray-casting
- Soft body
- Vertex contact, friction
- Elasticity, plasticity
- Linear time solver
- Unconditional simulation stability
- Ray-casting
- OpenGL 2/4 with GLFW and GLAD
- UI by imgui
- Mouse picking
- premake build system
- Doxygen API documentation