
Vulkan renderer and game engine exploration.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


EnDjinnV is a self-indulgent research project focused on bleeding-edge rendering technology and game engine architecture.

!!The LunarG Vulkan Tutorial has been completed!!

Sample Image Uniform Time Buffer Sample


  • Simple Vulkan Rendering. Game engine architecture beginnings.
  • Vulkan Debug/Validation layers
  • Renderdoc integration

Next Steps

  • Handle buffer resizing when the window changes.
  • Get camera rotation functional.
  • Implement game engine style Scene/Lighting objects. We want to set camera transform arbitrarily, have an arbitrary number of meshes (and draw calls), and at least very basic lighting.
  • Classes were made to be responsible for cleaning up GPU memory (i.e.: Djn::Gfx::Buffer). These classes have move semantics and somewhat behave like std::unique_ptr, but more robust types are already available via vulkan.hpp, so we should probably switch to those to reduce duplication and cruft.


Short Term

  • A "scene" architecture to manage and allow serialization of renderable objects and cameras
  • VR-integration
  • An asset import pipeline (i.e.: When running a built game, these things should already be compiled)
    • GLTF format 3d models
    • A better GLSL shaders
    • any sort of audio or other necessary graphics
  • CPU performance and memory profiling instrumentation

Long Term

  • Audio
  • Physics
  • RayTracing
  • VR
  • Android/Oculus Quest support

NOT-Goals (AKA: high-level libraries)

EnDjinnV does not currently intend to pioneer in some areas. To narrow scope down to extreme-performance graphics and game development, the following libraries are either in use or will be:

  • GLM (which even seems to have SIMD support its latest versions)
  • Boost (specifically, no one should ever waste time developing a x-plat stack trace utility)
  • FMOD or Wwise (or some other audio utility)

Getting Started

The project is built with Visual Studio 2019. Necessary envvars:

  • VULKAN_SDK - location of Vulkan sdk 1.0.x.
  • GLM_DIR - location of GLM version 0.99...
  • BOOST_DIR - location of Boost version 1.71...


  • Wrap everything in a namespace. The base namespace for this project is Djn
  • Prefer throwing to error checking and return codes (Djn::Exception provides a stacktrace).
  • Consequently, dynamic memory allocation must be self-managing (read: it cleans itself up on exceptions).
  • Types are CamelCase while members (functions and fields) are camelCase, regardless of privacy.
  • Indent 4 spaces
  • Allman for classes and functions, K&R internals:
void MyClass::MyFunc()
    while (...) {
        // ...

    if (...) {
        // ...
    } else {
        // ...
  • When conditions get long, prefer dropping conditions to the next indent level, and convert to Allman:
if(true) {
    // ...
} else {
    // ...

if (myLongVariableNameA == someOtherLongVariableNameA &&
    myLongVariableNameB == someOtherLongVariableNameB &&
    myLongVariableNameC == someOtherLongVariableNameC)
    // ...
} else {
    // ...

Open questions

The best way to resolve GLM and BOOST deps is not set in stone. Whether to include a git submodule or include the headers in the EnDjinn vsproj directly is undecided. I am currently leaning toward direct inclusion in the vsproj, but implementation feels like fighting a rising tide. Very open to opinions regarding this.