
Issue using the FASTCORMICS example file

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I am using the example file in FASTCORMICS for microarray data, and I ran into the following error:

Output argument "x" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with "cplexlp" function.

Error in LP7_fastcormics (line 32)
x = cplexlp(f,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);

Error in findSparseMode_4_fastcormics (line 19)
V = LP7_fastcormics( J, model, epsilon );

Error in fastcore_4_fastcormics (line 23)
Supp = findSparseMode_4_fastcormics( J, P, singleton, model, epsilon,t );

Error in fastcormics (line 142)
A = fastcore_4_fastcormics(B, model, epsilon, C);

The initial problem was with finding the cplexlp function which I sorted by setting path for the cplex folder. I am using the exact data provided in the example file and wonder why it would not assign value to the 'x' variable using LP7_fastcormics function. Can you help me here?