

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project includes the following build tasks:

  • Transpillation React JSX and ES6 style JavaScript files with Babel
  • Compilation scss files
  • Livereload when you change source files
  • Packaging distribution apllicatoins for each platforms(win32, darwin, linux)


Clone this repository, so execute the following command.

cd electron-jsx-babel-boilerplate
npm install -g bower gulp electron-prebuilt
npm install

Run application

With file watch and livereload

gulp serve

Pre-packaging app

gulp build;electron dist

Package application

gulp package

Copy this boilerplate

gulp boilerplate -o {DIST_DIR}

Directory structure

+ .serve/              Compiled files
+ dist/                Application for distribution
- release/             Packaged applications for platforms
 |+ darwin/
 |+ linux/
 |+ win32/
- src/                 Source directory
 |- assets/
  |+ images/
 |- browser/           For browser process scripts
  |+ menu/
 |- renderer/          For renderer process scripts and resources
  |+ components/       React components
  |  bootstrap.js      Entry point for render process
  |  index.html
 |- styles/            SCSS directory
  |  main.scss
 |  app.js             Entry point for browser process