
A fast trajectory optimization library written in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov

A library of solvers for trajectory optimization problems written in Julia. Currently, the following methods are implemented with a common interface:

ALTRO (Augmented Lagrangian TRajectory Optimizer): A fast solver for constrained trajectory optimization problems formulated as MDPs that features:

  • General nonlinear cost functions, including minimum time problems
  • General nonlinear state and input constraints
  • Infeasible state initialization
  • Square-root methods for improved numerical conditioning
  • Active-set projection method for solution polishing

Direct Collocation (DIRCOL)

All methods utilize Julia's extensive autodifferentiation capabilities via ForwardDiff.jl so that the user does not need to specify derivatives of dynamics, cost, or constraint functions. Dynamics can be computed directly from a URDF file via RigidBodyDynamics.jl.


To install TrajectoryOptimization.jl, run the following from the Julia REPL:


Quick Start

To run a simple example of a constrained 1D block move:

using TrajectoryOptimization, LinearAlgebra

function dynamics!(ẋ,x,u) # inplace dynamics
    ẋ[1] = x[2]
    ẋ[2] = u[1]

n = 2 # number of states
m = 1 # number of controls
model = Model(dynamics!,n,m) # create model
model_d = rk3(model) # create discrete model w/ rk3 integration

x0 = [0.; 0.] # initial state
xf = [1.; 0.] # goal state

N = 21 # number of knot points
dt = 0.1 # time step

U0 = [0.01*rand(m) for k = 1:N-1]; # initial control trajectory

Q = 1.0*Diagonal(I,n)
Qf = 1.0*Diagonal(I,n)
R = 1.0e-1*Diagonal(I,m)
obj = LQRObjective(Q,R,Qf,xf,N) # objective

bnd = BoundConstraint(n,m,u_max=1.5, u_min=-1.5) # control limits
goal = goal_constraint(xf) # terminal constraint

constraints = Constraints(N) # define constraints at each time step
for k = 1:N-1
    constraints[k] += bnd
constraints[N] += goal

prob = Problem(model_d, obj, constraints=constraints, x0=x0, xf=xf, N=N, dt=dt) # construct problem
initial_controls!(prob,U0) # initialize problem with controls

solver = solve!(prob, ALTROSolverOptions{Float64}())


Notebooks with more detailed examples can be found here, including all the examples from our IROS 2019 paper.


Detailed documentation for getting started with the package can be found here.