
A compact guide to network pivoting for penetration testings / CTF challenges.

Pivoting Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Important Notes
  2. SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding
  3. SSH Remote Port Forwarding
  4. SSH Local Port Forwarding
  5. Double Pivoting
  6. sshuttle
  7. Chisel
  8. Using Burpsuite as Proxy
  9. Usefull Resources

Important Notes

  • Do not use ICMP echo requests (ping) to test SOCKS proxies.
    SOCKS is an Internet protocol that exchanges network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. Practically, a SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded. You should test it using a TCP based protocol (e.g. try to SSH or send an HTTP GET request to a host accross the pivot tunnel).

  • NMAP must be used with TCP connect scan (-sT) and no ping (-Pn)
    This also applies to version (-sV) and script scans (-sC). They should be used in combination with -sT and -Pn.

    proxychains nmap -sT -Pn -p- x.x.x.x
    proxychains nmap -sT -Pn -sV -sC -p 21,80,443,445 x.x.x.x

    Tip: You can upload naabu to the victim machine and scan away like a boss.

  • Using scripts and binaries with proxychains
    One tip for using proxychains is to ensure that if you are running an interpreted program (like a Python script) its a good idea to explicitly reference the Python binary before that script, even if the script starts with a hash bang, e.g.:

    proxychains4 [-q -f proxychains.conf] python python_script.py

    Without this specific reference to the script interpreter, sometimes the traffic generated from the script will fail to be routed through the proxy as you intended, and the network connection will fail. Tip Source

  • Uncomment line "quite mode" in /etc/proxychains.conf to avoid stdout that can be frustrating at times.
    This is merely a suggestion.

SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

Allows you to create a socket on the local (ssh client) machine, which acts as a SOCKS proxy server. When a client connects to this port, the connection is forwarded to the remote (ssh server) machine, which is then forwarded to a dynamic port on the destination machine.

How to set it up:

  1. Edit /etc/proxychains.conf and implement the following:

    • Remove Dynamic chain from comment.
    • Comment Strict chain and Random chain.
    • Append line socks4 9050 at the end of the document (proxy list), save and close file. *You can, of course, use a different port.
  2. Setup the SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding:

ssh -D user@victim-IP

Usage examples:
With x.x.x.x being the ip address of a host that belongs to the tunneled network:

proxychains nmap -sT -Pn -p- x.x.x.x
proxychains smbmap -H x.x.x.x
proxychains ssh user@x.x.x.x

In order to use firefox throught the tunnel:

proxychains firefox

SSH Remote Port Forwarding

If you are searching how to get a reverse shell through a pivot tunnel, this is what you need. It allows you to forward a port on the remote (victim) machine to a port on the local (attacker) machine.

How to set it up:

  1. SSH into the victim machine.

  2. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and implement the following:

    • Remove GatewayPorts no from comment and change it to Yes. Save and close file.

    *This is very important and many guides around the web do not mention it. If you don't do this you will only be able to set the tunnel on rather than, which will end up not forwarding traffic when it originates from any host except localhost.

    • Restart the SSH service for changes to be effective. sudo service ssh restart
    • Exit and return to your machine.
  3. Setup the SSH Remote Port Forwarding:
    Essentially, after setting it up as mentioned, the command is as simple as that:

ssh -R 2222:*:2222 user@victim-IP

In order to test if it works, you could do the following:
Set a listener (e.g. netcat) on your attacker machine (on the port you configured the remote forward, in this example 2222) and make a request from the victim machine to itself (localhost). In this example, that would be nc 2222. If your attacker machine receives the connection then it means that a) it works and b) every connection from pivoting hosts to the victimip:2222 will be forwarded to attacker machine.

You can set multiple ports like this:

ssh -R 2222:*:2222 -R 3333:*:3333 user@victim-IP

Caution: Requests from foreign hosts (pivoting network) must be addressed to the victim ip in order to be forwarded back to the attacker machine.

*You can also implement Remote Port Forwarding by SSH connecting from victim to attacker machine.

SSH Local Port Forwarding

Local port forwarding allows you to forward a port on the local (attacker) machine to a port on the remote (victim) machine. Particularly usefull in order to scan local ports on victim.


ssh user@victim-IP -L 8888:

You can now use e.g. nmap to scan port 8086 on the victim machine like this:

nmap -Pn -n -p8888 -sV

Double Pivoting

An example of how to implement double pivoting with SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding and Proxychains.

Suppose we have the following 4 machines.

IP Role Attacker Jumphost1 Jumphost2 Jumphost3

Attacker can reach Jumphost1.
Jumphost1 can reach Jumphost2.
Jumphost2 can reach Jumphost3.

  1. In order to reach Jumphost2, implement SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding instructions mentioned before, against Jumphost1.
  2. In order to reach Jumphost3, edit /etc/proxychains.conf and add another proxy entry at the end of the document. The end of your proxychains.conf will now look something like this:
socks4 9050
socks4 9999
  1. SSH into Jumphost1 and set another Dynamic Port Forwarding against Jumphost2 (the local port you choose must be the same as the one set for your second proxy entry in proxychains.conf):
ssh -D user@Jumphost2

You should now be able to reach Jumphost3.


sshuttle allows you to create a VPN connection from your machine to any remote server via ssh, as long as that server has python 2.3 or higher. To work, you must have root access on the local machine, but you can have a normal account on the server. It's valid to run sshuttle more than once simultaneously on a single client machine, connecting to a different server every time, so you can be on more than one VPN at once. Check the sshuttle github repository.

Assuming we want to pivot into

sshuttle -vvr root@victim

If you want to use ssh key:

sshuttle -vvr root@victim --ssh-cmd 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa'


Chisel is a fast TCP/UDP tunnel, transported over HTTP, secured via SSH. Single executable including both client and server. Written in Go (golang). It's insanely awesome and useful.

You can easily install chisel on kali:

apt install chisel

In order to use it, you also need to upload the chisel binary on the victim. You can download precompiled versions here.

Local port forwarding example
On your attacker machine:

chisel server -p 8000 --reverse

On the victim machine:

./chisel_1.7.7_linux_amd64 client attacker-ip:8000 R:1234:

This is going to forward traffic from attacker machine port 1234 to victim machine port 8443.

Using Burpsuite as Proxy

Burpsuite supports the capability of setting proxies, an incredibly useful and powerfull feature.

How to set it up:
Fire up Burpsuite and implement the following:

  • Goto Proxy/Options and hit add on the Proxy Listeners section.
  • Set a binding port and interface.
  • on the second tab, set the host and port you want to redirect traffic to.

In combination with setting up an SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding or sshuttle, you can now use Burpsuite to pivot traffic to desired hosts by sending traffic to your localhost bind port. A useful example with gobuster dir brute through the tunnel (Assumming that you set port 2222 as the redirect port):

gobuster dir -u -t 40 -w /some/dirlist.txt

Usefull Resources