Animation Curve Library
This is a Anim Curve Library tool for animation work.
It is Pyside2 version for Maya2017 and Maya2018.
Before using the script, you need to make true that your maya setup is OK.
You can use it to export and import animation curve. For management, you can create, expand, collapse, rename and remove animation curve library folder.
- Make ture you have installed the imageio, Pillow and PIL packages for your Python27.
- Because Maya use a custom compiled Python version, you need to compile the Pillow for your maya version.
Here is a tutorial for how to compile the Pillow for Maya2017 and Maya2018. - You can also download my compiled Pillow *.egg files by VS2015(Maya2018+) and VS2012(Maya2015-Maya2017). It is the minimum required Pillow package. After you download the packages, please use the easy_install of your Maya to install the Pillow 5.1 package.
- Download the project file and unzip it somewhere in the computer, make ture to remember the directory of the unzip file location.
- Open Maya 2017 and open script Editor
- New a Python tab, and enter following script
pythonLib = 'X:\WHERE\YOU\PYTHON27\INSTALL\site-packages'
import sys
if Dir not in sys.path:
if pythonLib not in sys.path:
import AnimLibrary
from AnimLibrary.UI import Main_UI reload(Main_UI)
ui = Main_UI.MainUI()
You can go to: and watch the video.
If you find any type of bugs, please e-mail me at:
If you like, please STAR this repository. Thank you very much.
For custom builded Pillow *.egg files, please check the link in Preparation step 3.