
About the 3D visualization

liusida opened this issue ยท 15 comments

In README, I saw the 3D visualization of diffmpm3d.py is super cool

but when I try to reproduce the result, the code only produced .bin files. I am wondering if that visualization was produced by other software?

Thank you.

That's rendered using https://github.com/yuanming-hu/difftaichi/blob/master/examples/diffmpm_renderer.py

However, this script is currently broken due to a recent compiler backend update. I'll fix this within the next week and please have fun with other examples. Sorry about that.

Hi! โœ‹ just a reminder, the file "diffmpm_renderer.py" still produces this error:

No module named 'renderer_utils'

Hi I also want to see some pretty pictures. Is this something that a complete beginner to taichi can take on? I see the visualization routine itself is written in taichi :)

Hi guys, sorry about the delay. I'm recently refactoring Taichi for more compatibility and performance. I'll fix the renderer within 3 days. (Ping me again if I don't, thanks.)

ping? No hurry for me, of course.

oh sorry i've got too many things to do. Will try tonight/early next week.

For those who are eager to render the particles: the working demo is https://github.com/taichi-dev/taichi/blob/cf77f936e3c084003dc80067fbdcba9762cfa5e3/examples/renderer.py

Thank you~

For those who are eager to render the particles: the working demo is https://github.com/taichi-dev/taichi/blob/cf77f936e3c084003dc80067fbdcba9762cfa5e3/examples/renderer.py

hmm I tried examples/renderer.py with the latest taichi but it seems it is not an animation? Is this the expected result?

Screenshot from 2020-02-16 07-43-57

Yeah this is just a bunch of random particles within a cube. Particle loading is not yet implemented. (Sorry I've got too many things to do recently...the particle output of diffmpm3d.py is recently updated for performance (1e9c804), yet I haven't got a chance to update the renderer to load it)

Sorry I've got too many things to do recently

yeah I can imagine that, no problem :)

Hi yuanming, is the visualization part working now? Thx

Hello! I'm also trying to visualize the diffmpm3d simulation example. Has there been any progress on this issue with the renderer? Is there currently a way to visualize the output .bin files?

Hi Yuanming, I just tried out the diffmpm3d.py demo and others. The 2d diffmpm is truly remarkable, but still I cannot visualize the results of the 3d version. It's been another three years. Is there any chance that I can get a bin file renderer or that I can find some documentation about loading and rendering the bin files by myself? Thanks in advance for all your efforts! Looking forward to your reply!

I wanna second this ^ a renderer for diffmpm3d.py would be awesome.

Also grateful for the support & effort :)