10 differentiable physical simulators built with Taichi differentiable programming (DiffTaichi, ICLR 2020)
- Amir-Arsalan
- AmrodSeregonTechnical University of Munich (TUM)
- andrewkchan@figma
- c0dtTokyo
- chongyangmaByteDance
- colinzcli
- Danielmelody
- ddiakopoulosApple
- Derek-Wds
- fly51flyPRIS
- fuchuyuan
- infancynanjing, china
- knightcrawler25India
- LamKamhangZheJiang University
- langyoSINAP
- Lights999China
- littleggghost
- littlemineZenusTech Co., Ltd.
- pableeto@microsoft
- popo919
- preddy5UCL
- rainfalj
- RubikplayerNVIDIA
- shpotesGoogle
- TH3CHARLieUniversity of California San Diego
- tommaoerICT, CAS
- ttnghiaGPU-Accelerating Apache Spark @Nvidia
- ureternalreward
- walsvidByteDance
- woolrGraft Inc.
- yanshil
- YiYiXiaInstitute of physics CAS
- yuanming-huTaichi Graphics
- yuanxy92Beijing
- YuliangXiuMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- YuxingQiuVCLA@UCLA