- 1
Devicon colors do not work
#95 opened by synic - 2
Path issues on OS:Windows
#36 opened by DrKGD - 0
- 0
Fullpath contains double slash before filename
#92 opened by chinise - 1
- 7
- 0
question: two instances of lir
#90 opened by adriancmiranda - 0
feat: add `../` and `./` to list
#85 opened by wesleimp - 0
- 2
Error: Get Filter Error after #5d62e83 commit
#82 opened by Pheon-Dev - 1
ignore option does not work with "dist-newstyle"
#78 opened by 7c78 - 4
Clipboard action picking up items from previous selection in visual mode (`v`)
#66 opened by dhruvmanila - 3
Error using `nvim .` after disabling netrw
#73 opened by heygarrett - 4
[Feature request] Add LSP support
#71 opened by Rahmerh - 2
Don't show files set in `wildignore`
#60 opened by Murderlon - 2
`vim.opt.autochdir = true` causing lir to always go one directory up when being toggled in an empty window
#68 opened by ghifarit53 - 1
Change behavior rename file
#69 opened by thevan96 - 6
Add LirCursorLine hightlight
#63 opened by PongPong - 5
- 3
Conflict with nvim-tree
#56 opened by Chaitanyabsprip - 1
Make rename behave like linux `mv`
#61 opened by ten3roberts - 0
Add completion for `rename` and move into directory if only a directory is specified.
#58 opened by ten3roberts - 7
FYI on dirvish/netrw style `nvim ./`
#51 opened by ispringle - 2
Close on lose focus
#16 opened by lucastrvsn - 1
- 1
- 3
Getting error message after latest update 'Error detected while processing BufEnter Autocommands for "*":'
#50 opened by thekaganugur - 1
Float fails when in Terminal buffer
#52 opened by ispringle - 13
Overrides nvim-nonicons
#49 opened by p00f - 3
Folder icon doesn't appear correctly
#48 opened by eaxly - 1
Disable for specific buffers
#44 opened by chipsenkbeil - 3
Advice on implementing plugin integration
#39 opened by chipsenkbeil - 1
First character of filename highlighted when devicons are enabled
#42 opened by The-personified-devil - 1
Should `mkdir` create the parent directories?
#41 opened by dhruvmanila - 11
Feature requests / Suggestions
#23 opened by dhruvmanila - 5
Toggle mode, disabling going down
#30 opened by thekaganugur - 2
Jump to the filename of the current buffer
#31 opened by thekaganugur - 8
Small doc suggestion
#13 opened by tjdevries - 6
- 2
Cannot delete non-empty directory
#24 opened by dhruvmanila - 0
- 2
Disable netrw
#21 opened by ofrades - 4
Make optional file opener callback function
#19 opened by sunjon - 3
Duplicate tags in lir.jax
#17 opened by ronniedroid - 2
Hide cursor bug
#20 opened by seblj - 2
Additional user configurable hl-groups
#14 opened by sunjon - 4
Some issues with README
#9 opened by ishan9299 - 1
#7 opened by Chaitanyabsprip