the official code for "ToolAlpaca: Generalized Tool Learning for Language Models with 3000 Simulated Cases"
- 1
error in evaluation -- connection
#16 opened by shadii4 - 2
https://api.publicapis.org/entries 网址现在打不开了
#21 opened by luckierya - 5
数据问题:"intermediate_steps": [] 都是空的
#22 opened by luckierya - 3
执行train.py报KeyError: 0错误
#20 opened by zhufeizzz - 1
How to convert a model to safesensors format,Load directly into GPU memory?
#17 opened by CyanMystery - 2
Unreproducible: the error - "Could not parse LLM output" causes inability to reproduce.
#19 opened by Octobrist - 0
- 8
Errors in Evaluation
#14 opened by jianguoz - 2
num of tools v.s. num of funtions
#15 opened by DryPilgrim - 3
Evaluation Metrics
#13 opened by mattgithub1919 - 9
training script
#10 opened by yichengchenAnt - 17
finetune scripts
#8 opened by zhanghy-sketchzh - 1
typo in evaluation.py
#12 opened by mattgithub1919 - 1
Training Dataset
#7 opened by mattgithub1919 - 1
#9 opened by YangQianli92 - 1
Model Weights?
#5 opened by VenkatKS - 1
#6 opened by kinjalbasu - 1
How to use the data train LLMs?
#4 opened by lei1993 - 9
#1 opened by jack-wxm - 0
Missing Action `chatWithUser`
#3 opened by yc1999 - 1
Will validation data be released?
#2 opened by Joris-Fu