- alenros
- alexharstonImperial College London
- aliabd
- aloknnikhilOmnistrate
- azophyAzophy Lab
- bedeUniversity of Oxford
- bhoomitGoibibo & MakeMyTrip
- brennnnan@futurerootsinc
- cweeklyDuxbury, MA
- cynicaloptimist@lumoslabs
- DoctorBracewell@Wynncraft
- eclectic-mattEclectic App Development
- eralpkaraduman@nicework-company
- freddiejbawdenEdinburgh, United Kingdom
- granttitusStripe
- hassankhan@twodoorsdev
- iakashpaul
- james-blitzmBlitzm Systems Pty Ltd
- Jeddf@nahmii @diffhq
- jmiskovic
- joshforishaEthos
- korrosivesec
- L226Berlin, Germany
- maluta@fundacaolemann
- meeechmontreal
- michaelmiorRochester Institute of Technology
- nikolay@withcodery
- npretto
- privatenumber@square
- quentin-dev@alan-eu
- sdgluck@PenfoldTechnology
- ThatNerdyPikachu
- thegitparticle
- WeetbixMelbourne
- Willamin