
This is exercise for robot-programming.

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This is exercise for robot-programming.


$ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/jsk-enshu/robot-programming
$ wstool init .
$ wstool merge robot-programming/.rosinstall.${ROS_DISTRO}
$ wstool update
$ rosdep update
$ cd ..
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r
$ catkin build
# $ echo 'source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc ## > と >> の違いが理解できていればbashrcに追加してもよい

Start simulator

$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch dxl_armed_turtlebot dxl_armed_turtlebot_gazebo.launch


$ roscd dxl_armed_turtbot/launch
$ rqt --perspective-file enshu.perspective

Start Color Tracking node

$ roslaunch opencv_apps camshift.launch image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw
$ rosrun image_view2 image_view2 image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw ~image_transport:=compressed

Start Checkerboard Tracking Tracking node

$ roslaunch checkerboard-detector.launch rect0_size_x:=0.02 rect0_size_y:=0.02
      grid0_size_x:=7 grid0_size_y:=4 translation0:="0 0 0"
      image:=image_raw  group:=/camera/rgb frame_id:=camera_rgb_optical_frame
$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/camera/rgb rosrun checkerard_detector objectdetection_tf_publisher.py


See online manual for Euslisp models and interfaces.

PDF files are also available from here